[Peace-discuss] Draft flyer for AWARE demo tomorrow (1/4), 2-4pm (largely Stuart's text)

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sat Jan 4 03:26:20 UTC 2014

AWARE ~ The Anti-War Anti-Racism Effort of Champaign-Urbana ~ January 2014

Ill. Congressmen Vote For War (For Profits For The 1%)
And Not For Jobs (For The Rest Of Us).

A bipartisan move in Congress - led, among others, by Illinois' own junior senator, Mark Kirk - is pushing a bill that would undermine the Obama Administration's negotiations with Iran. The negotiations, if successful, would agree on monitoring and limiting Iran's nuclear development in exchange for some relief of sanctions. The Israel lobby group AIPAC and their allies in Congress are seeking to torpedo the negotiations - and launch a war with Iran. For a detailed account, see M. J. Rosenberg's review of the bill, S. 1881, here:


Many groups have been speaking out against the bill. in a demonstration in front of Senator Kirk's Chicago office on the last day of 2013, representatives of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and Veterans for Peace demanded “Negotiations Not Sanctions” and “Diplomacy not War.”

The trade and economic sanctions that Senator Kirk and the Israel lobby want kill the weakest first. (In 1996 the Clinton administration said that killing half a million children in Iraq with sanctions was “worth it.”) The Senate reconvenes next week. It's important that our Senators know that pursuing this bill means promoting war with Iran, and that that is something the American people do not want.

Rather than promoting war, we should promote people – but that's not what our Congressional representatives are doing: as a late Christmas present, millions of unemployed in the US found that the extension of unemployment insurance had been allowed by Congress to expire. Some (including our own Representative Rodney Davis) say that offering unemployment insurance makes it too easy for people to stay unemployed. We should rather say that our economic recovery remains mediocre at best; too many of the jobs that are created are poor compared with those which were lost; and there are still many more job seekers than there are jobs for them. We need unemployment insurance, along with the whole suite of programs for social improvement that our predecessors have fought for. So must we.

It's time for Americans to say no to the child-killers in the White House and Congress – particularly because we sent them there and so are responsible for what they do. We need to tell them what to do – including not to attack Iran, and to provide real jobs for Americans. Contact the president (202-456-1111) and our representatives in Congress (202-224-3121), by phone or online, and give them your opinion.
President Obama: <http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments>
Senator Durbin: <http://www.durbin.senate.gov/contact.cfm>
Senator Kirk: <http://www.kirk.senate.gov/?p=comment_on_legislation>
Representative Davis: <https://rodneydavis.house.gov/contact/email-me>*

AWARE meets every Sunday evening 5-6pm at the White Horse Inn on John Street in Champaign, near the UIUC campus. Members and friends of AWARE also present a weekly hour of discussion on the war --
AWARE on the Air, Tuesdays at 10pm on Urbana Public Television cable TV and livestreaming at <urbanapublictelevision.org>; it's recorded at noon on Tuesdays: to participate, call 217-359-9466.

AWARE honors those who reveal the government's crimes - Manning, Assange, Snowden, and others - and are persecuted by the Obama administration for it.
*[A member of AWARE, David Green, is a candidate in the March 18 Democratic primary to oppose Rep. Davis.]
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