[Peace-discuss] Fwd: Windmills Not Weapons - Say NO to NDAA

David Johnson via Peace-discuss peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Tue May 20 17:25:50 EDT 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Windmills Not Weapons - Say NO to NDAA
Date: 	Tue, 20 May 2014 07:03:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: 	End Wars and Occupations Issue Team <End-war at pdamerica.org>
Reply-To: 	End-war at pdamerica.org
To: 	davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net

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    Windmills Not Weapons - Say NO to NDAA




Dear David,

Today, Congress begins debate on a *$601 billion Pentagon budget* for 
  This is comprised of a "base budget" of $495.6 billion and another 
$105 billion for two Pentagon slush funds: $26 billion for the "OGSI" 
and $79 billion for the "OCO" (formerly called a "war supplemental" but 
now spent on anything up to and including off-budget $450 million F-35 

*Time for a reality check!*

In 1967, *Martin Luther King* 
called Vietnam War spending a "*demonic destructive suction tube*" that 
left America's anti-poverty program "broken and eviscerated, as if it 
were some idle plaything of a society gone mad on war."  Adjusted for 
inflation, he was talking about a $547 billion military budget.  This 
year's military budget is *10% higher than that*, taking up *57% of 
federal tax revenues*.

Even during the Cold War, the Pentagon budget was cut to $386 billion in 
1954 and 1975, after the Korean and Vietnam Wars ended. *Why should the 
end of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars be any different?*  If anything, we 
should be able to cut much further today.  In 1989, as the Cold War 
ended, former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and Assistant Secretary 
Larry Korb recommended a*$267 billion military budget 
less than half what Congress is set to rubber-stamp This week (all 
amounts adjusted for inflation).

and please call your Member of Congress, tell them to vote NO on the 
FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act and demand that we return to a 
peacetime military budget.*

*Returning to a peacetime military budget* would release trillions of 
dollars to invest and create jobs in education, healthcare and the vital 
transition to a clean energy economy.  It offers the best *hope for the 
future *of America and the world, but it's up to us to let our 
Representatives in Congress know that we *understand what's at stake* 
and that we *expect them to act*.

For more context on the FY2015 NDAA, please read Sandy Davies' article 
on "Returning to a Peacetime Military Budget*."* 


The End War and Occupations Team
Sandy Davies, Marc Levin, Sally Moos, Robert Hansen, and Rich Gardner


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