[Peace-discuss] Fwd: A turning point?

David Johnson via Peace-discuss peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Tue May 20 17:34:44 EDT 2014

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	A turning point?
Date: 	Tue, 20 May 2014 12:49:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: 	Ari Wohlfeiler, Jewish Voice for Peace 
<info at jewishvoiceforpeace.org>
Reply-To: 	info at jewishvoiceforpeace.org
To: 	davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net





      In 3 weeks, the Presbyterian Church votes on targeted divestment.
      Help us back up our allies in a remarkable interfaith coalition:
      every dollar you give this week will be doubled.


/We know how many Jews and allies support divestment - now we need to 
show it./


Can you give $36 now?

Take Action! 


Twitter icon 


Dear David,

In less than a month, the nearly 2 million-member Presbyterian Church 
(USA) will vote on an important set of resolutions setting official 
policies regarding Israel and Palestine.

The biggest will be on a resolution to divest from Caterpillar, Motorola 
Solutions, and Hewlett-Packard - all companies notorious for 
profiteering off the Israeli occupation.

*And our allies inside the church need your help.*

_*Can you give $36 or even $72 today to support our interfaith, 

/*Thanks to two committed JVP donors, every dollar you give this week 
will be doubled up to $10,000.*/

The Israel Lobby is pouring untold sums into a fear-mongering campaign 
to scare Presbyterians into a "no" vote - including offering 
commissioners all-expense-paid trips to Israel, and threatening to end 
longheld interfaith relationships.

JVP is part of an interfaith team working around the clock. Our rabbis, 
Young-JVP leaders, board members, and staff leaders are standing 
hand-in-hand with Presbyterian activists and Palestinian allies so that, 
*a**fter more than a decade of study and debate,* the church takes this 
courageous step towards real peace in 2014.

Dr. Steve Feldman, one of the match donors, has this to say about why he 
cares so much about working with Presbyterian allies:

/"I am encouraged that so, so many Presbyterians are standing with Jews 
to support peaceful BDS and oppose occupation, discrimination, and 
violence in Palestine. Together, we can raise our voices for true 
security for all our Jewish, Christian, and Muslim brothers and sisters 
in the Holy Land."/

That's the truth: genuine interfaith partnerships are about shared 
values. And to honor them, we have to stand up against discriminatory 
Israeli policies. Together.

_*Click here and turn a $36 contribution into $72, and make sure we can 
seize the moment.*_ 

With hope,


Ari Wohlfeiler
Development Director

Donate Now! 

          Contact Info:

Jewish Voice for Peace
1611 Telegraph Ave, Suite 550
Oakland, CA 94612
info at jewishvoiceforpeace.org <mailto:info at jewishvoiceforpeace.org>

          Connect with Us:

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