[Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] Zionist idol Lev Dobriansky and Leo Strauss eagerly leering at Russian Federation

Karen Aram via Peace-discuss peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Tue May 20 20:23:27 EDT 2014

What is there to understand?
Jews have a culture that revolves around study, learning and seeking the truth, they study hard and work hard. They are good in math, finance and just about everything else, except sports. They, when given a chance, succeed and rise to the top of many organizations and professions. Medicine and the sciences are just two besides finance. 
Many like Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn choose academia, many like Amy Goodman, Glen Greenwald choose journalism. I could go on and on. They like the Chinese throughout S.E. Asia, are successful and though some are greedy assholes like the ones you referred to, there are probably more greedy assholes that are WASPS or Catholics. There are more people of Jewish origin that prefer the battle against oppression, having been in the vanguard of most movements including being the majority of whites during the civil rights movement. Maybe its because like their counterparts, the Chinese, they don't focus on sports, and fun, as so many other cultures do. My Jewish friends and room-mates pointed out that they weren't any smarter, they just focused on their priorities. 
You know we're in a economic downturn when people start blaming "groups or individuals" other than the real perpetrators, it would be nice and easy if it was a conspiracy of a group of men, but unfortunately its not. Its the system, and the concept that economic growth benefits all. This concept is of course erroneous. 
By the way, the majority of contributions and supporters of Zionist Israel are Evangelicals. See: "Vice", and Max Blumenthal's latest publication. 
Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 14:31:20 -0700
To: david-cu at nukulele.org
CC: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] Zionist idol Lev Dobriansky and Leo	Strauss eagerly leering at Russian Federation
From: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net

Well, thank you very much Mr. Gehrig for giving me an opportunity to respond...I'm just trying to understand corporate fraud and fraudsters and keep running into Jewish / Zionists.....Most of the principles in the Keating Savings and Loan scandal were Jewish, Michael Milken
 and Ivan Boesky come to mind.Marcus Agius, who stepped down from Barclays Bank in the Libor scandal is married to a Rothschild.And Madoff..... enough All the major players in the recent Housing Meltdown scandal were heads of Jewish
 controlled banks...none of which lost their jobs, in fact were promoted and got fat bonuses.see
 The high-profile role played by Jews on Wall Street has never been a secret. Many of the wheelers and dealers responsible for shaping the current US financial system are Jewish, including former AIG CEO Hank Greenberg, former Citcigroup CEO Sandy Weill, recently-retired Lehman Bros. CEO Richard Fuld, former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, former Treasury Secretary Bob Rubin, current Fed chairman Ben Bernanke,etc. One of the "weapons of mass destruction" described by the legendary investor Warren Buffet is the Credit Default Swap. Greenberg's AIG is the biggest purveyor of CDS. In spite of the warnings by Buffet in 2006, Greenspan and his successor Bernanke
 argued against regulating derivatives such as credit default swaps. Unregulated financial derivatives are now considered the biggest cause of the financial collapse.
And check out this chart .... the looooooong blue line is Jewish enrollment in elite colleges.... who go on to play in Wall Street.
View on www.theamericanco...Preview by Yahoo

These were the top four scandals of the last twenty years...and involved trillions of dollars...I just want to understand this and maybe predict where they are going to strike next.Well, I believe they were involved in 9/11 also... but that verdict has not been read YET.I would gladly listen to anyone who could prove me wrong.It doesn't matter whether they are Jewish are little purple aliens from on of Jupiter's moons...I just want to understand and consolidate the conclusions I've settled on at this point.Thank you again, Mr. GehrigSteve Francis

     On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 3:13 PM, David Gehrig <david-cu at nukulele.org> wrote:


 I see our local Holocaust denier is back, maintaining the same peculiar delusion that telling a wackadoodle lie in big, red, bold, italicized letters somehow makes it less of a wackadoodle lie. Is there anybody left on this list who still considers Francis defensible on the antisemitism issue? No. @%<> On May 20, 2014, at 8:44 AM, Stephen Francis <stephenf1113 at yahoo.com> wrote:> > 

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