[Peace-discuss] Which is the worse Democratic party front, Bernie or BLM?

Brussel, Morton K brussel at illinois.edu
Thu Aug 13 23:55:48 EDT 2015

Congratulations Karen on your reasoned and wise remarks. remarks. It is perhaps worth noting that Chomsky seems to believe similarly. That is, he feels there is something of worth in the Sanders campaign on the domestic front which would not be brought up otherwise.


On Aug 10, 2015, at 7:35 AM, Karen Aram via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net<mailto:peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>> wrote:

Sorry Carl, I'm unable to access the articles. Issues with my system. I will attempt to comment on the issue anyway.

BLM is a very important issue, and one can only hope it is able to move progressively as did the civil rights movement. If the most disenfranchised people don't take on the system, then I'm not sure there is any hope for change or progress. As Chris Hedges points out, we need mass movements, in addition to a "group/organization" to support us given the electoral system has so failed us. If the leadership of BLM lacks a Martin L. King, who clearly saw the connection between domestic and foreign policy, as did many of those in the forefront of the movement at the time, then its no surprise that BLM would perhaps be coopted by the Clinton campaign. I do believe there is a lot of talent out there, who maybe able to influence others within the organization, and that's why I support Bruce Dixon, Glen Ford and other Black leaders for taking up the issue.
However,  I see it as internal and not necessarily something for those of us who may support, but are not involved in their movement, to engage.

It's certainly no surprise that Bernie never discusses foreign policy issues, given he is as much a hawk as Hilary. Why some of us left the democratic party for the Greens. He has however, brought about a conversation related to domestic issues that deserves our applause and appreciation. One can now refer to "socialism" without the onus of "evil" that so many in the past attached to the word, those who don't understand it.

The disruption of Bernie's speech, is questionable, if not merely rude and unfortunately diminishes the image of BLM, bringing about sympathy for Bernie. Most of all, it's another distraction to keep the American people from the real issues of war, climate change, and poverty, militarism of our police, etc., which are all connected to the killing of African Americans with impunity.

In the seventies anti-war movement we all knew very well how important it was to guard the stage, volunteers linking arms to prevent anyone from passing through, when we had a speaker. Lose your stage, you lose your presentation, program, protest. I find it difficult to believe that professionals in this day and age weren't aware of the importance, and allowed the takeover to occur.

Finally, in spite of my overly long  response, I prefer not to fall into the trap of engaging in distractions and will not address this topic again.

Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 22:14:18 -0500
To: Peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net<mailto:Peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>
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Subject: [Peace-discuss] Which is the worse Democratic party front, Bernie or BLM?
From: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net<mailto:peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>

AWAREists, Greens, anarchists, poputchiki— Consider the following:

BLM: <http://www.blackagendareport.com/wheres-the-blacklivesmatter-critique-of-black-political-class<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.blackagendareport.com_wheres-2Dthe-2Dblacklivesmatter-2Dcritique-2Dof-2Dblack-2Dpolitical-2Dclass&d=AwMF-g&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=9eBn2xukb4K19JC8Bn8zUQ&m=z3O-6ltgZFZJbXpUthCliKMSx5mAsYIbJdswa41QaFU&s=UmCHQLc9jC9odfszIpsCi3_lgwkWZ3a4j_BGTzzYWxg&e=>>

Bernie: <http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/07/31/bernie-and-the-sandernistas/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.counterpunch.org_2015_07_31_bernie-2Dand-2Dthe-2Dsandernistas_&d=AwMF-g&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=9eBn2xukb4K19JC8Bn8zUQ&m=z3O-6ltgZFZJbXpUthCliKMSx5mAsYIbJdswa41QaFU&s=4ISvftR7xS49McpTCuhV82ieLOy_5KfCD2Pckks_wS0&e=>>

Are they both objectively (as we used to say) working for the election of the awful pro-war/pro-Wall St. Hillary?

Or does one or the other (or both) deserve our (provisional) support?


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