[Peace-discuss] Mass murder complacency at the Farmers' Market

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 22 15:30:04 EDT 2015

Sometimes that's all that's open to us, but to go for a beer, then come out again another day.........   
Subject: Mass murder complacency at the Farmers' Market
From: carl at newsfromneptune.com
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2015 13:50:56 -0500
CC: occupyCU at lists.chambana.net; sf-core at yahoogroups.com
To: Peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net

[I was wearing an “IMPEACH” t-shirt as I distributed flyers (see below) in front of the AWARE table at the Farmers’ Market today, when I was approached by an archetypal middle-aged academic. The following conversation ensued.]
ARCHETYPAL MIDDLE-AGED ACADEMIC: Who do you want to impeach?
ME: Start with the president.
AMA: Why do you want to impeach him?!
ME: He’s a mass murderer.
AMA: But Bush started it!
ME: Obama’s been president for six years and is carrying on wars in eight countries (two more than Bush) while conducting the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times. He’s killed 5,000 with drones, and his “special operations forces" are active in more than 100 countries: their activities include kidnapping (“rendition”), torture, and murder...
AMA: But then the Republicans can get in!
ME: The Democrats do the same things the Republicans would do. They just lie more about what they do.
AMA: But it’s gotta be either the Republicans or the Democrats!
ME: Not if we elect the Green party candidate.
AMA: That can’t happen. The major parties have a right to the presidency…
I went for a beer.

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