[Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] [Peace] PDA Press Release on HJ Res 30

E. W. Johnson ewj at pigsqq.org
Fri Feb 13 09:26:48 EST 2015

When we first arrived in Urbana in 2001 with my mother-in-law and 
who are Chinese from southwest of Beiijing and were in their late 80's 
at the time,
my father-in-law was having some trouble with his eyes so we took him to see
an opthalmologist in Champaign who happened to be Irish and it happened 
to be
on St. Patrick's day.

So here we took my father-in-law into see the eye doctor who worked in a 
darkened office
and the guy is wearing a surreal-looking gigantic kelly-green trifoliate 
shamrock hat about a foot and a half
wide and a foot and half tall.  The hat looked like it had been designed 
by Dr. Seuss
and the eye guy was wearing it very seriously.

You could imagine it as an old-time illustration in some book---
maybe something drawn by Tenniel or maybe Ted Geisel himself -
a caption:

"Mr. Qiao was taken quite aback by the eye doctor's shamrock hat."

It would have been natural for him to conclude that the all ophthalmologists
are adorned with such verdant headdress in this strange foreign land.

On 02/13/2015 08:24 PM, C. G. Estabrook wrote:
> [From the indispensable urbandictionary.com, on Wayne's Chinese pun]
> wang ba dan = Chinese for a egg (son) of a turtle; similar to SOB but with a slightly longer history. Origins vary, but the most popular theory is that comes from wang ba duan (忘八端), which means forgetting filial piety, 'brotherly respect', loyalty, trustworthiness, politeness, justice, honesty and shame. (Being ashamed means you know you did something wrong. Calling someone shameless can be highly offensive.) Incidentally, apart from turtle, wang ba also means someone who wears a green hat.
> On Feb 12, 2015, at 9:02 PM, E. Wayne Johnson via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:
>> I am sure that the constitution is extremely confusing to those folk who favour rule by a monarchy.
>> But what it says is that only Congress has the power to declare war.  the intent was to keep some kingly wang ba dan from conscripting the people and squandering their livelihood and resources for various wars of ambition.

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