[Peace-discuss] [OccupyCU] [Peace] PDA Press Release on HJ Res 30

ewj ewj at pigsqq.org
Sat Feb 14 06:00:42 EST 2015

  The AUMF is absolutely unconstitutional...  but such matters rarely 
stop governments,
and what is constitutional and what is not is generally left up to the 
currents of politics
and the desires of the rulers of Amerika, not the considerations of the 
On 2/14/2015 4:50 PM, Debra Schrishuhn via Peace-discuss wrote:
> However much one may disagree with the AUMF,  it is legal within the
> parameters of our Constitution. Our President is supposed to ask
> Congress for such authorization. HJ Res 30 represents a viable
> alternative to use of military force in the Middle East. If you--or
> anyone else on this list-- don't think it is a bill worthy of support,
> work for its defeat. It truly is as simple as that. You will find many
> allies among the establishment/corporate wings of both political
> parties.
> Call Rodney Davis (IL-13) Champaign 403-4690  DC-202-225-2371
> For the future,
> Debra
> On 2/13/15, C. G. Estabrook <carl at newsfromneptune.com> wrote:
>> Debra--
>> Would you have said the same of e.g. the Enabling Act of 1933?
>> Would that have been "a question for each person to decide for herself or
>> himself"?
>> If not, why the difference?
>> Regards, CGE
>> On Feb 13, 2015, at 9:44 AM, Debra Schrishuhn via Peace-discuss
>> <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:
>>> Carl,
>>> Your question as posed contains several premises, and I would suggest
>>> that a person of free will can accept or reject those premises in part
>>> or in total. Each citizen ultimately bears the personal responsibility
>>> to make up her or his mind based on a reading of the text involved
>>> rather than taking the intellectual shortcut of accepting another
>>> person's interpretation of its meaning. I would further suggest that
>>> there is not an absolute dichotomy involved.
>>> The answer to your question, however, is pretty straightforward: Read
>>> the bill. If you agree with it, call Rodney David and ask him to vote
>>> for it. If you disagree with it, call Rodney Davis and ask him to vote
>>> against it. If you choose not to read the bill or choose not to make
>>> your own decision but rely on another person's interpretation or
>>> summary of the text, that is also your prerogative as a citizen. In
>>> that sense I reiterate that one's opinion and understanding of HJ Res
>>> 30 remains  "a question for each person to decide for herself or
>>> himself," and it has nothing to do with vanilla or chocolate.
>>> For the future,
>>> Debra
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