[Peace-discuss] Bibi babble battle

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Fri Feb 27 20:07:44 EST 2015

What are the real policy differences represented by the argument over Netanyahu’s speech? (Nuclear weapons have nothing to do with it, in spite of what both the US and Israel say: the Iranians are not building one, and deterrence - not attack - would be the only reason they might; it’s a made-up issue to cover the real policy goals of the US and Israel.) 

There are two positions representing divergent strategies in the context of the long-term goals of all US administrations since World War II, when the State Department described Mideast oil as "a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history.” Control and not just access to Mideast energy resources has always been the US demand: it gives the US an unparalleled advantage over its economic rivals, from Germany to China - including Russia, as the current oil price manipulation by US ally Saudi Arabia shows. 

[1] The Obama administration (with support of the fingers-in-the-ears Democrats) promotes reconciliation with Iran (on US terms, of course).
The US aim in the P5+1 talks is to reconcile Iran to the general regime of American control of Mideast oil flows, presided over by the US; that was the arrangement for the 1953 coup to the 1979 revolution, since which Iran has been outside US control and associated with the SCO, the US rival for control of the Eurasian economy. (The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a Eurasian political, economic and military alliance  founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.)   
[2] The Netanyahu government (with the support of Boehner and the more-neocon-than-thou Republicans) promotes belligerence toward Iran. 
Even a partial reconciliation with the US would enhance Iran’s place in the Mideast as a rival to the effective Israel-Saudi-Arabia-Gulf-states alliance that American control of the region has rested upon since the success of the Iranian Revolution in 1979 (which ousted an American imposed dictatorship). But Israel (and its effective ally, Saudi Arabia) has no place to go from its clientage to the US.

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