[Peace-discuss] (no subject)

David Johnson davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net
Sun Jul 12 17:34:15 EDT 2015

“The art of politics, to a very real extent, is really the art of
compromise. Unless you want to be the bully, rather than the teacher.”




I like and respect you but this statement of yours is VERY naïve  !

Obviously you do not understand the evil people you are dealing with within
the National Democratic party.

THEY are the bullies and they do NOT want to be taught. Think Rahm
Emmanuelle !

In their mindset, they are the feudal lords and we are the plantation slaves
to be fooled and manipulated and exploited.


WE want THEM to compromise NOT us !

We have done way TOO much “ compromising “ in the last 30 some years, and
all it has gotten us is more misery and a

lower standard of living and more oppression !


It is NOT a linear ; liberal vs. conservative and definitely not a
republican vs. democrat dynamic !

The democratic party is almost as thoroughly compromised by corporate money
as the republicans.


It is WE THE PEOPLE vs. corporate special interests !


NOW, if you think the best strategy is to “ take over “ the democratic party
than go for it, you have my support.

But myself and others are hedging our bets and though at times we may
support populist democrats like Carol Ammons or Bernie Sanders, we also
believe that we need to have another alternative just in case a corporate
democrat beats a populist democrat in the democratic primary. 

A corporate democratic ( like Hillary Clinton and Obama) is no better than a
republican. They work for the same corporate special interests and their “
differences “ are more often than not a theatrical dog and pony show
performance. Don’t take my word for it, read Robert Reich’s book that he
wrote immediately after he resigned his post as Secretary of Labor in the
beginning of Bill Clinton’s second term.


WE have the same principles and objectives Stan, you just have to realize
that there is more than one way to “ skin a cat “ ( horrible expression )
and WE the PEOPLE need to begin to first realize who are real enemies are
and be clever in how we organize against them.




David Johnson



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