[Peace-discuss] J Street: Tell Rodney Davis you support the Iran nuclear deal

Robert Naiman naiman at justforeignpolicy.org
Wed Jul 22 13:50:21 EDT 2015

You can bet that AIPAC is swarming all over him. But his initial statement
on the deal was moderate. We should try to sway him.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeremy Ben-Ami, J Street <info at jstreet.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 12:21 PM
Subject: Let Rep. Davis know where you stand
To: "Mr. Robert Naiman" <naiman at justforeignpolicy.org>

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Last week, we asked you to join J Street members in a petition to
Representative Rodney Davis, telling him why it's so important to support
the international agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Now, AIPAC has raised the stakes: they're committing at least $20 million
to lobby Congress against the deal.

We have truth on our side, but with huge resources like that against us,
we're going to need your help to prevail.

*That's why it's absolutely critical that you help us be heard.* *You've
already signed the petition. Now make a call: let Rep. Davis know that you
stand with the majority of American Jews and support this diplomatic

The overwhelming majority of nuclear experts -- including a growing number
in Israel's security establishment -- agrees that this deal is better than
no deal. It's the best way to ensure a safer and more secure Israel.
Without an agreement, Iran could move ahead with its nuclear program
without any monitoring, inspections or restraints; their "breakout" time to
a nuclear weapon could be as short as 3 months.

But with this deal, we'll have the toughest-ever monitoring and inspections
program and preserve the international sanctions regime if Iran tries to

Prime Minister Netanyahu made it clear he would oppose this deal long
before it was signed. Now AIPAC is right there with him, pulling many of
the other traditional organizations in our community along behind them.

And they're spending millions to make sure that their opposition will be
heard in Washington.

That's why we need to speak out too, and as loudly as possible. Make sure
Congress hears our voices, and not just those of the well-funded opposition.

*Call Rep. Davis now*
*Let him know where you stand.*

We're counting on your support.


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