[Peace-discuss] "Salaita & SB 1761: Illinois & US/Israel War-making"

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Sun Nov 22 20:09:12 EST 2015

At tonight’s AWARE meeting it was suggested that AWARE organize a forum/teach-in/series-of-talks or something similar on this topic in the spring semester.

In Illinois, the Israel lobby has apparently been responsible in 2015 for notable violations of academic freedom (the Salaita case) and of university political independence (Illinois SB 1761, in support of Israeli apartheid). The underlying issue - the US/Israeli war-making alliance - as well this political interference by the lobby, should be discussed on this campus. 

If the academic boycott of UIUC is considered to remain in place (as the AAUP sanction does), we could hold the talks at an off-campus location, the YMCA, the IMC, etc.  

Comments welcome. —CGE

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