[Peace-discuss] Reorganizing the Prairie Greens

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Mon Dec 12 23:21:20 UTC 2016

The debacle of the Stein campaign - its willingness to become a well-paid tool of the Clinton campaign, regardless of the disapproval of the Steering Committee of the GPUS - suggests that it's time for Greens in central Illinois to become a "membership-based, dues paying entity" - clearly separate from other political parties, local or national.

I'll propose that formally at the next Prairie Greens meeting - and suggest we begin a drive for dues-paying members. The dues should not be high, but they should distinguish members from non-members. We should have card-carrying Prairie Greens, who will decide on the activities of the party.

"...a problem at play here is the lack of accountability to the rank-and-file or Green Party leadership that this [Stein] campaign, and really all campaigns have. This recount scheme was the first and only time that the campaign made any contact with the Steering Committee when the campaign all along should have been working in partnership with the SC. To be fair, none of the GPUS campaigns have so far, but the culture needs to change. No one is looking out for the Green party here, except for the steering Committee majority who voted NO and we owe them a debt of thanks.

"Part of the proposal of making locals membership-based, dues paying entities is that Greens will be able to hold their leaders and their candidates accountable…”


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