[Peace-discuss] Draft flyer for Champaign demonstration Sat. 7 Feb. 2-4pm

C. G. Estabrook carl at newsfromneptune.com
Mon Feb 1 19:55:46 EST 2016

The Anti-War Anti-Racism Effort of Champaign-Urbana

The U.S. government is waging illegal wars around the world
and secretly twisting the international economy via ‘trade pacts’
like the TPP for the benefit of less than 1% of the U.S. population.

Join our demonstration the first Saturday of every month,
at the intersection of Church and Neil in Champaign, 2-4pm

Meet with us Saturdays at the Urbana Farmers’ Market (indoors in winter at
Lincoln Square) for books, bumper stickers, literature, and conversation

Watch our weekly Urbana Public Television (channel 6) program 
“AWARE on the Air” (also on YouTube) or join us at noon Tuesdays
in the Urbana City Council Chambers for the live unrehearsed recordings 

We meet Sundays at 5pm at Cafeteria & Company, 208 W. Main, Urbana;
new members welcome: for information write us at <aware at anti-war.net <mailto:aware at anti-war.net>>

President Obama is making war in eight countries;
he is sending U.S. ‘special forces’ into more than 3/4 of the
countries around the world; he has assassinated thousands
by drone - the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern
times; and he is provoking war with Russia and China.

Contact the president (202-456-1111) and our representatives in Congress (202-224-3121):
tell them to end the wars and drone attacks, cut military spending by at least half, bring the
troops home, and close the US military’s 1,000 foreign bases; stop US support for - and 
arms sales to - human rights abusers like Israel, and lead on global nuclear disarmament. 

	President Barack Obama - <http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments>
	Senator Dick Durbin - <http://www.durbin.senate.gov/contact/email>
	Senator Mark Kirk - <http://www.kirk.senate.gov/?p=comment_on_legislation>
	Representative Rodney Davis - <https://rodneydavis.house.gov/contact/email-me>


“You can't bomb terrorism out of existence. Terrorism survives war.” --Phyllis Bennis
“Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it …
Obama's drone program is the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times." --Noam Chomsky

While the U.S. media bombard us with the presidential candidates, the Obama administration is literally
bombarding and killing people around the world - and managing to keep us largely unaware of it.

Most Americans don’t realize that President Obama has attacked eight countries (two more than
President Bush) and is today sending U.S. troops into no less than 75% of the countries in the world:
there are more than 70,000 of these “special operations forces,” and they report only to the president’s
National Security Council; their operations include kidnapping (‘rendition’), torture, and murder. 
And the president’s continuing drone assassinations (the NYT says he chooses the targets himself )
have already killed thousands of people, including U.S. citizens and hundreds of children. 

In addition to conducting wars throughout the Mideast, the Obama administration is acting with
belligerence toward China and promoting an ongoing proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, which
has already killed more people than Israel killed (with US permission) in Gaza in 2014. 

President Obama says that he is fighting terrorism, but America’s world-wide violence is creating
terrorists, not defeating them. The real reason that the U.S. is killing people throughout the Mideast ia
that the foundation of U.S. foreign policy since WWII has been U.S. control of Mideast energy resources,
gas and oil. Control, not just access, is what the U.S. demands, because control is an unparalleled
weapon against the economic rivals of the U.S. 1% in the rest of the world.

"Shortly after the invasion of Iraq, Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the more astute of the senior planners
and analysts, pointed out in the journal National Interest that America’s control over the Middle East 
gives it indirect but politically critical leverage on the European and Asian economies that are also
dependent on energy exports from the region.'” [Noam Chomsky]

In Vietnam forty years ago, the U.S. government withdrew from an illegal war because Americans
demanded it: by 1978, 72 percent of the U.S. population regarded the war as not “a mistake,” but
“fundamentally wrong and immoral.”** As in Southeast Asia then, so now in Southwest Asia: the U.S.
must end its criminal war. We must demand that President Obama and his successor (probably Clinton)

(1) end the drone assassinations;
(2) bring all U.S. troops (and mercenaries) home;
(3) close the 1,000 foreign U.S. bases around the world (no other country has more than twelve); 
(4) end the provocations of Russia (in Ukraine) and China (in the South China Sea); 
(5) end support for Israel's apartheid policy, and stop sending them money and weapons; and 
(6) support negotiations among the U.S., Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and
the Kurds to end the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars.
“‘Turns out I'm really good at killing people,’ Obama said quietly.
‘Didn't know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.’”***

* Andrew Cockburn, “A Special Relationship: the United States is teaming up with Al Qaeda, again,” Harper’s (January 2016)
** Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, American Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1983 
*** Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, Double Down: Game Change 2012

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