[Peace-discuss] NO to FBI's effort to weaken encryption: Protests in DC and elsewhere

Stuart Levy stuartnlevy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 12:03:54 EST 2016

NO to FBI & Congressional efforts to dismantle encryption!

The message below is mostly a call to a Washington, DC protest, but 
there's also an online-or-call-Congress route which any of us can take:

    *Tell your members of Congress you support strong encryption, with
    no backdoors!*
    *Send an email now using our simple, online tool*

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[ufpj-activist] Protest at FBI Tomorrow (Tuesday, Feb. 23) at 
5:30 on Encryption
Date: 	Mon, 22 Feb 2016 10:54:10 -0500
From: 	Sue Udry <sue.udry at defendingdissent.org>
To: 	ufpj-activist <ufpj-activist at lists.mayfirst.org>

Please come out for a short protest tomorrow at FBI (9th and 
Pennsylvania NW) at 5:30 p.m.

Take a stand against FBI effort to weaken encryption (and therefore, our 

This is part of nationwide call to action (most other cities have to 
settle for a protest at an Apple store, we will strike at the heart of 
the beast!
(Facebook event is here 

This isn’t about one phone, it’s about all phones.

Actually, it isn’t just about phones, it’s about all devices that 
connect to the internet.

Make no mistake, in *demanding that Apple help it open up the iPhone 
used by one of the San Bernardino shooters* 
the FBI is asking for a universal crowbar to get access into any device, 
from your iPhone to your car, your pacemaker or your toaster.

We can’t let that happen.

*Join in the Day of Action: Rally at Apple stores nationwide on February 
23 at 5:30 PM local time*
(In Washington, DC, the protest will be at FBI Headquarters)
*Find a rally near you here, or organize a rally* 
*Tell your members of Congress you support strong encryption, with no 
*Send an email now using our simple, online tool* 

Right now, the battle is in the courts, but it will certainly move to 
Congress. Just last fall,we had the upperhand against the FBI 
forcing them to back off their campaign for legislation requiring 
backdoors into devices. In fact, in a creepy bit of foreshadowing, 
Robert Litt, the National Intelligence General Counsel sent an email to 
his colleagues last August 
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__org.salsalabs.com_dia_track.jsp-3Fv-3D2-26c-3DJsmXqA7r7jV89smUiFQKMorBnC-252FAfefI&d=BQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=_iuwmBDMEAIAz6k1h--JVoji6x5mlDiImSbbdIp2zWg&m=c4NAqZJFJ6AhdzK0QGggeyfzcC2iAwvQr64g269l91o&s=KUi81N_ZZql3jXN_0P9wj0oBFasYZ1HeayAWT7v31zI&e=> saying, 
“the legislative environment is very hostile today, it could turn in 
the event of a terrorist attack or criminal event where strong 
encryption can be shown to have hindered law enforcement.”

Already, some members of Congress are using this opportunity to announce 
that they will introduce legislation 
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__org.salsalabs.com_dia_track.jsp-3Fv-3D2-26c-3DGcEOCgp-252BpMatfQx3K1Zs4orBnC-252FAfefI&d=BQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=_iuwmBDMEAIAz6k1h--JVoji6x5mlDiImSbbdIp2zWg&m=c4NAqZJFJ6AhdzK0QGggeyfzcC2iAwvQr64g269l91o&s=UQ-SoOgcSVRSnAfP_HYeHlQ_8CWVk8k_JZI6cRy05mU&e=> to 
force companies to comply with orders to open phones and devices.

Send an email to your members of Congress today 
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__org.salsalabs.com_dia_track.jsp-3Fv-3D2-26c-3Dnq4VpX2APB0KD04Jax3fSIrBnC-252FAfefI&d=BQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=_iuwmBDMEAIAz6k1h--JVoji6x5mlDiImSbbdIp2zWg&m=c4NAqZJFJ6AhdzK0QGggeyfzcC2iAwvQr64g269l91o&s=uNbWSUW4SL8Clx3tBStUn_R8Kvpx37v_RYcWERtVmrA&e=> and 
plan to join us at one of these Rallies 
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__org.salsalabs.com_dia_track.jsp-3Fv-3D2-26c-3DR1woxllngJSlEv0MxKDDfYrBnC-252FAfefI&d=BQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=_iuwmBDMEAIAz6k1h--JVoji6x5mlDiImSbbdIp2zWg&m=c4NAqZJFJ6AhdzK0QGggeyfzcC2iAwvQr64g269l91o&s=IozIStcDaOLXdKnc_U2ez_0UbBBp1pwaM3s8XFaJbf4&e=> on 
Tuesday, February 23 at 5:30 p.m. local time

Stay Loud, Stay Strong,

Sue Udry
Executive Director




Why shouldn’t the government have a “backdoor” into the devices of 

Strong encryption is the backbone of cybersecurity, and providing a 
backdoor, even a secret one, weakens encryption, making it easier 
for the “bad guys” to access our devices and networks. Intelligence 
Chief James Clapper told the Senate Armed Services Committee that cyber 
attacks are the greatest security threat confronting the nation. 
Encryption is the first and last line of defense against hacking.

While the FBI argues that encryption backdoors are crucial to fighting 
terrorism, they have also admitted that terror organizations like ISIS 
will always have access to encrypted devices made outside of the US, not 
subject to any law Congress might pass to mandate backdoors. Instead, 
the FBI wants to be able to get into the phones of low-level drug 
dealers and other criminal suspects. Backdoors are another 
counterterrorism tool the FBI can turn against communities of color that 
will result in ever more incarceration.

Encryption, of course, protects important personal information, but also 
empowers people to speak freely and to organize for political change by 
safeguarding their personal privacy. The Supreme Court has long 
recognized that privacy is essential to dissent. Not only has the FBI 
shown a tendency to spy on social movements, and would be expected to 
use encryption backdoors to keep tabs on leaders and participants, as 
they have used other tools in the past.

Sue Udry
Executive Director
Bill of Rights Defense Committee 
Defending Dissent Foundation 

Mail: 8 Bridge St. #A | Northampton, MA 01060 |
Visit: 1100 G St. NW, #500 | Washington, DC 20005
office: 413-582-0110 | cell: 301-325-1201

/Visit Us! Like Us! Follow Us! Share Us!/
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.defendingdissent.org_&d=BQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=_iuwmBDMEAIAz6k1h--JVoji6x5mlDiImSbbdIp2zWg&m=c4NAqZJFJ6AhdzK0QGggeyfzcC2iAwvQr64g269l91o&s=wyEwt04J2hMZvKKG7-WFDHOlbq859rcYtR1VwBIYdqo&e=> |  facebook: 
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.facebook.com_DefendingDissent&d=BQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=_iuwmBDMEAIAz6k1h--JVoji6x5mlDiImSbbdIp2zWg&m=c4NAqZJFJ6AhdzK0QGggeyfzcC2iAwvQr64g269l91o&s=JIkq9xoPKQ21-RMzwsoGD53xXT5artMMQBkbwaVpT_c&e=> | 
twitter: @defenddissent 

<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__bordc.org&d=BQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=_iuwmBDMEAIAz6k1h--JVoji6x5mlDiImSbbdIp2zWg&m=c4NAqZJFJ6AhdzK0QGggeyfzcC2iAwvQr64g269l91o&s=RXlgiZQSgN2TS5QgGh-SQQbAyVmUtVeh2mzbj8xRPkE&e=> | 
facebook: Bill of Rights Defense Committee 
| twitter: @bordc

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