[Peace-discuss] Trump the Peace President?

kmedina67 kmedina67 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 15:07:36 UTC 2017

Roger Helbig,
Oh yes, Trump was brought to a position of power by all of us,  not just half of us. Just look at Mitch Daniels, Gov Walker, Gov Rauner. Trump is a continuation of a trend. 
When you say, "everyone believes him [Trump]", my answer is no not everyone. 
-karen medina
-------- Original message --------From: Roger Helbig <rwhelbig at gmail.com> Date: 1/26/17  06:45  (GMT-06:00) To: kmedina67 <kmedina67 at gmail.com> Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Trump the Peace President? 
You and the far left in Wisconsin and Michigan can thank themselves for Trump - and yes, his tax returns matter - so does the idea that Trump can lie and everyone will believe it - read this https://goo.gl/ZqbWQF - he wants to revive torture - listen to David Muir's interview on ABC and has muzzled genuine scientists so the fake ones can put out their alternative facts!  Debra was right on.
On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 3:15 PM, kmedina67 via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:

Dear Debra, 
I had heard about only 2/3 of these. * I am not sure i understand the county's move to suppress votes. I am not surprised, but would like more info on this. * i had not heard about gtmo, torture, or black site prisons. I am appalled by all the presidents and representatives who helped support these in the past and now. * honestly, i don't care about his tax returns. The conflict of interest,  i do care about. *re: the ACA, the most recent moves seem to be to replace the ACA. I continue to support single payer or Medicare for all, neither of which is even supported by more than the roguest of democrats. Reform is worth working on while we continue to work for what we really need,  revolution in the healthcare system. 
I am hoping that the legality of the executive orders and executive memos will be challenged adequately. How do we find out who to encourage for this?
Even the best media is asking nothing about whether the EPA is required to abide by the executive orders. 
We are calling our reps on all sorts of issues and about the ongoing appointment confirmations. 
I would be interested in yelling at the press for asking the wrong questions and spending way too much time covering tweets, raindrops, busts, and taxes. 
Meanwhile, there is so much wonderful stuff going on in the community:  education events, support for immigrants and lgbtq, and environmental action,  people organizing who have never organized before. 
There is so much to fight for in the way of basic human rights (against physical and other walls and for health care even non citizens) and environmental impact ( including promised deregulation, coal, and pipelines) as well as the ongoing attacks on labor unions and privatization of everything from social services to governmental services. 
Locally,  there seems to be groups meeting every day and night.
I am also proud of those who are reaching out to those who have political views different from their own- - ignoring their numbers would be a dangerous oversight. 
i hear very little silence
- Karen Medina Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
-------- Original message --------From: Debra Schrishuhn via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> Date: 1/25/17  16:19  (GMT-06:00) To: Peace-discuss List <Peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> Subject: [Peace-discuss] Trump the Peace President? 
Did I miss something? Or is the silence deafening in the progressive community of C-U?

 In the past 5 days President Trump has started the process to take health insurance away from millions of Americans, restrict immigration from predominantly Muslim countries, restart the destructive DAPL and Keystone XL pipelines, moved to restrict funding for sanctuary cities, put media blackouts on federal agencies, said torture absolutely works and eased the way to fill up Gitmo and restart so-called black site prisons, wants "major investigation" into the " massive voter fraud" by millions of "illegal aliens," reinstated the global gag rule, is preparing to negate the small amount of progress made to slow climate change, and refused again to ever release his tax returns. 

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing."--Rt Hon Edmund Burke

Even our own County Board passed a resolution that would suppress voting in the upcoming municipal election. Get with it, People!

Thanks and a tip of the hat to Susan Parenti for suggestion about writing to Pres Trump about support for ACA. My letter is in the mail. 

Sent from my iPhone
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