[Peace-discuss] Killing the "Deep State" Conspiracy

Szoke, Ron r-szoke at illinois.edu
Tue Mar 13 21:07:57 UTC 2018

Newsmax/Moneynews,  3/13/18

The secret plan to destroy President Trump revealed . . .
 NY Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi says Trump must fight back to save his presidency and America . . .

Dear Friend,
We have more to fear than the Democrats, the far left, and “swamp” creatures.
In fact, there’s a group operating in the shadows that is far more powerful, diabolical, and even destructive.
This group is called the Deep State — and, as President Trump himself has discovered, it often operates as the de facto government of the United States.
This clandestine faction secretly maneuvers behind the curtain of “national security” in Washington, D.C.
Now, for the first time, renowned investigative author Jerome Corsi rips the veil off this secret government in his latest bestseller Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump.
Killing the Deep State is the true tale of the powerful players who pull the strings, no matter who you voted for, who actually sits in the Oval Office, or even who controls Congress.
Corsi is not just any author — he wrote the two New York Times runaway bestsellers The Obama Nation and Unfit for Command, the book that sank John Kerry’s presidential bid in 2004.
In Killing the Deep State Corsi reveals the proof — including what he says is “smoking gun” evidence — that operatives in the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, and even the Federal Reserve have been working to remove President Trump from office.
Corsi argues that no government agency, department, or official inside Washington — including the president of the United States — is immune from the powerful grip of the Deep State.
Saving Trump
Inside his explosive new book Killing the Deep State, Corsi lays it all out — including the alarming evidence for the virtual coup d’état to take out President Trump.
He also provides new evidence that Barack Obama and his key lieutenants are orchestrating the Deep State — relying on many of his most trusted aides who are still in the government working for President Trump!
Killing the Deep State shows that the investigation led by Robert Mueller, the former FBI director who served under Obama, is nothing more than a political witch hunt.
Corsi says President Trump is not only key to restoring America, protecting the U.S. Constitution, our borders, and our way of life — but is the man who stands in the way of the globalist dream of a New World Order.

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