[Peace-discuss] AWARE on the Air, Tuesday 13 March

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Wed Mar 14 01:08:29 UTC 2018

bjornsona--- via Peace-discuss wrote:
> I can no longer find the last two Aware episodes on You Tube: #443 and
> 444. Those are Feb 27 and March 6 I believe. I don't know if you all
> pulled them or if You Tube has censored them. If censored, I can guess
> why..

AWARE on the Air (AOTA) episode #443 is the most recent episode available 
on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUltMq0zbzc

AOTA episode #444 (the most current as of the time/date of this email) is, 
as far as I can tell, not yet available. I trust it will show up soon.

If you reload https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF2B283336F85E5A0 you 
should be able to find the latest AOTA episode at the top of that list, and 
you'll see the date of the latest episode reflected on that page as well. 
Urbana Public Television uploads to YouTube so uploaded shows appear there 

https://archive.org/search.php?query=aware%20on%20the%20air never has DRM 
or ads in the shows or on the site. And archive.org works with an ordinary 
"Save as..." already built into your browser. After a while episodes of 
AOTA and News from Neptune appear on archive.org.

One can download YouTube videos via youtube-dl or avideo; you can avoid 
whatever ads YouTube puts on the show and keep copies of videos even if 
YouTube censors them or deletes them.



Both youtube-dl and avideo programs do the same thing: they let you 
download videos from multiple video streaming services (YouTube, Comedy 
Central, Vimeo, etc.). avideo won't run the proprietary DRM on some YouTube 
videos, but youtube-dl might. But youtube-dl is updated multiple times per 
month -- run "youtube-dl --update" to let the program update itself.

Both programs are free software -- free to run, inspect, share, and modify 
at any time for any reason.

Happy hacking.

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