[Peace-discuss] pres approval poll data

ewj at pigs.ag ewj at pigs.ag
Sun Oct 7 11:23:39 UTC 2018

Please find attached a scatterplot of Rasmussen Daily Presidential
 approval poll data. Rasmussen polled likely voters samples 2,701
 during the Obama presidency and 437 times thus far in the Trump
 presidency. The Approval index is the percentage of Strongly Approve
 minus the Strongly Disapprove. The results are interesting, and you
 can see that they are not pro-Trump per se. 

 I have added blue and orange lines to indicate the post day 200 (197
 actually) mode for the dataset. 
 It is interesting how well the Obama data clusters around the mode. 
 A black dashed line represents what I consider to be the floor of the
 (The pic is available at http://pigs.ag/oink/obamatrumpapproval.png
 case it is excised by the mailserver.) 


 Obama was elected in part as a Peace president in the eyes of some
 voters but he turned out not to be a peacenik even though the Nobel
 folks dared to give him a Peace prize.

 Trump wasn't much considered to be a Peace president but he seems to
 have engineered peace and prosperity beginnings on the Korean
 peninsula. He is relatively shaping up to be a Peace guy.
 War is bad news and bad for trade.

 I did not much care for Trump in the 30-odd years he has been in the
 public eye and I didnt vote for him.
 However, as I had predicted, people who usually don't bother to vote
 came out of the hills and hollers and the cul-de-sacs of Amerika to
 stand up at the polling places and defiantly oppose Hillary Clinton
 and her ilk. I don't imagine that the Russians had much to do with it
 although Putin does seem to have more going for him than the Clintons

 Some pundit said that NATO would not survive another 4 years of
 Trump. That's the reason that I'll be voting for Trump the next time
 around despite the futility of voting in Illinois, absentee or


 The utter fury of the harpies and harpettes in defense of Roe v. Wade
 is hellacious to say the least.
 It is not a force to be considered lightly no matter how deranged,
 misguided, and inane it is.

 However, most Americans still seem to think that abortion is wrong.
 It does not seem to be a Republican thing, since most of the
 Republicans of the recent past did rather little about it and were as
 eugenic in their thinking as their ideologic counterparts in the
 Democrat party. This time around the Dems have energized their
 opponents. Considering that the Democrat party is the War Party, that
 aint all bad.
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