[Peace-discuss] Joe Bauers letter in today's NG

C G Estabrook cgestabrook at gmail.com
Sun Aug 4 19:35:37 UTC 2019

Write your congressional representatives and demand US troops (and weapons) be removed from Afghanistan:

~ Senator Dick Durbin: <https://www.durbin.senate.gov/contact/email>
~ Sen. Tammy Duckworth: <https://www.duckworth.senate.gov/content/contact-senator>
~ Representative Rodney Davis: <https://rodneydavis.house.gov/contact/>

Trump’s continuation of Obama’s war-making constitutes “high crimes and misdemeanors” for which he should be impeached. Nothing else.

The political establishment continues to threaten impeachment (on other grounds) precisely to see that Trump doesn’t abandon Obama’s war-making (as Trump threatened to do in the campaign).

War and war provocations are the bedrock of the political establishment’s foreign policy. Trump is the first major party presidential candidate in 40 years to come into office as a critic of neoliberal and neoconservative policies ( = more war and more inequality). The establishment has worked assiduously (and largely successfully) to see that he maintains those policies. But the threat remains. 


> On Aug 4, 2019, at 1:13 PM, David Green via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:
> If you have teenagers romping around your house, most of them have never known a day when the United States was not at war in Afghanistan. Think about that.
> This war was allegedly waged in response to the 9/11 attacks of 2001, even though 14 of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. The initial target of that effort, Osama bin Laden, is long since dead.
> Recently, I read that 400 Illinois National Guard troops are being deployed to Afghanistan. This war has already consumed the lives of more than 2,300 U.S. service personnel and more than 1,700 U.S. contractors. It has resulted in more than 20,000 U.S. troop injuries and has cost over a trillion dollars.
> Hundreds of thousands of Afghan citizens have been killed, wounded or displaced. Their country is in rubble.
> Meanwhile, should a natural disaster occur here, Illinois National Guard service people will be depleted by their numbers sent to Afghanistan and other countries.
> We have normalized American wars of aggression around the world, despite polls that show that most Americans are sick of it. Yet the political class continues them, feeding at the trough of the war profiteers whom they serve.
> And so we are still in Afghanistan, “where empires go to die.” From my point of view, we ought to hold to account all public figures who have been a party to this abomination, from Congress to the White House.
> JOSEPH BAUERS Champaign  
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