[Peace-discuss] Another murder by Hillary & the Dems?

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sun Oct 13 18:42:42 UTC 2019

David Johnson wrote:
> Therefore with those above FACTS in mind, it is not impossible or entirely
> implausible that SOMEBODY wanted Seth Rich murdered if they suspected him of
> being the person who downloaded the DNC files.

According to former CIA man John Kiriakou[1], someone handed Craig Murray a 
USB key containing a copy of DNC emails shortly after the 2016 Sam Adams 
award ceremony, and Craig Murray got that information to others at 
WikiLeaks. Kiriakou is backed up in this claim by Murray's December 2016 
interview with The Daily Mail:


> U.S. intelligence officials have reportedly told members of Congress
> during classified briefings that they believe Russians passed the
> documents on to Wikileaks as part of an influence operation to swing the
> election in favor of Donald Trump.
> But Murray insisted that the DNC and Podesta emails published by
> Wikileaks did not come from the Russians, and were given to the
> whistleblowing group by Americans who had authorized access to the
> information.
> 'Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,'  Murray said. 'The
> source had legal access to the information. The documents came from
> inside leaks, not hacks.'
> He said the leakers were motivated by 'disgust at the corruption of the
> Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field
> against Bernie Sanders.'
> Murray said he retrieved the package from a source during a clandestine
> meeting in a wooded area near American University, in northwest D.C. He
> said the individual he met with was not the original person who obtained
> the information, but an intermediary.

So the chain of handing off could look like:

   DNC server -> Seth Rich -> someone -> Craig Murray -> WikiLeaks

It wouldn't have taken the Mueller report investigators much effort to 
interview Craig Murray or Julian Assange yet they interviewed neither man.

If Craig Murray works for WikiLeaks (the Daily Mail calls Murray "a 
Wikileaks envoy") this would explain why Murray hasn't identified from whom 
he got the DNC email data. WikiLeaks doesn't reveal their sources (as well 
they shouldn't).

I presume that also murdering Craig Murray would be harder to get away with 
than murdering Seth Rich was. As far as I know Rich lacked Murray's 
politically powerful friends; Murray was a former ambassador with Permanent 
Government connections (hence attending the Sam Adams award ceremony). 
Apparently the DNC got help from the seemingly highly corrupt Washington 
D.C. police (who initially claimed Seth Rich's murder was a robbery gone 
wrong despite that Seth Rich still had his belongings as he lay dead in the 
street). I'm unaware of the Washington D.C. police providing any 
information on Seth Rich's murder investigation over the past few years; 
years later we have no idea that the police possess any leads on the 
murderer. I find this to be indistinguishable from having silently dropped 
the investigation.

[1] A transcript of Lee Camp interviewing John Kiriakou starting at 3m55s 
into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrVWeA2QmWk

> Lee Camp: And this is one of the many holes in the Muller report, which 
> still found no collusion, but they [the FBI] didn't even talk to Julian 
> Assange.
> John Kiriakou: They never even /asked/ to talk to Julian Assange.
> Lee Camp: It's amazing.
> John Kiriakou: And I'll tell you who else they didn't talk to was 
> Ambassador Craig Murray. Craig's the former ambassador to Uzbekistan. He
> came here [to the US] right around that time in 2016 to participate in a
> Sam Adams award ceremony. Sam Adams is a group of retired CIA, NSA,
> other intelligence officers and we were giving an award. Well, Craig
> loves to go out drinking after these award ceremonies. That night he
> didn't. That night he said he had an important meeting. As it turned out
> his important meeting was to meet someone who he's never named who gave
> him a thumb drive with all of the information on it -- all of the DNC
> emails--
> Lee Camp: Wow.
> John Kiriakou: --which he then took to WikiLeaks.
> Lee Camp: Wow.
> John Kiriakou: So if he has come out to confess that it was not a hack, 
> not a Russian hack, 'I physically carried the documents to WikiLeaks', 
> why did the FBI never want to interview him?
> Lee Camp: That's incredible, I didn't even know that detail. But
> there's been a lot of other evidence brought forward that this was not a
> hack, it was a leak. It was from the inside.
> John Kiriakou: It was; Bill Binney, the former Technical Director at
> the NSA has said repeatedly -- including in the Oval Office -- that the
> rate of speed with the information was uploaded shows -- proves -- that
> it could not possibly have been done remotely. It had to have been done
> on- site on a thumb drive.
> Lee Camp: Yeah, but that upends the whole 'Russia did it' idea so we 
> can't have that.

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