[Peace-discuss] Recommended video: Danny Haiphong interviewed on Jimmy Dore

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Sun Apr 5 19:27:15 UTC 2020

In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFCyRuaFsGc Jimmy Dore reviews recent Bernie 
Sanders speaks with Black Agenda Report (BAR -- https://www.blackagendareport.com/) 
author Danny Haiphong and reviews Sen. Sanders' hourly tweets in which Sanders:

- pointed readers to some good news about school district funding in Wisconsin which 
Sanders apparently had nothing to do with getting,

- endorsed inactionable claims about our needs and provided no clear path to get 
there, nor did Sanders promise to use his Senatorial power to help us get what he 
said we need,

- claimed that Amazon's "greed has got to end" while he took no action to help 
workers withhold their labor (strike) to achieve a better bargaining position.

What could Sanders have done before now?
What should Sanders be doing now?

Jimmy Dore has offered specific actionable choices across recent videos including the 
above video:

- Sanders could have contacted labor organizers to work with Amazon workers and 
grocery store workers to schedule a strike. Dore has previously asked us to imagine 
what power a 1-2 day coordinated strike would give workers leverage to demand better 
working conditions (like Amazon workers not working among known-infected coworkers in 
Amazon's warehouses, and not firing people who walk off the job choosing their health 
and safety over picking & packing). But Sanders (who calls himself "Organizer in 
Chief") didn't use his appreciable mailing list contacts to coordinate with labor 
leaders and workers.

- Sanders could have put a stop to the horrible bill that he recently voted for which 
will give big businesses enormous sums of money (I don't think it's clear just how 
much in total they'll get) and ostensibly will give citizens $1200 plus $500 per 
child in a one-time payout (which will predictably not help people for what is 
shaping up to be a multi-month stay-at-home/"social distance" crisis). It only takes 
one Senator to stop a bill for a time during which better policy could have been 
coordinated and demanded. But there's no evidence that Sanders even tried.

Danny Haiphong (from Black Agenda Report) offered excellent review of the current 
situation, consistent with what we've come to expect from BAR authors -- 
https://www.blackagendareport.com/ is a very underrated site. Only now is Jimmy Dore 
coming around to realizing what the late BAR author Bruce Dixon saw through years ago 
in https://www.blackagendareport.com/bernie-sanders-sheepdog-4-hillary

You can find more of Haiphong's writings online:

and he's co-author of "American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: a People’s 
History of Fake News, From the Revolutionary War to the War On Terror".

I know that some of you find Jimmy Dore's language hard to hear, but I encourage you 
to consider looking up Sanders' Twitter feed (https://twitter.com/berniesanders) and 
following along at least with some of what Dore has to say. You won't find coverage 
of these issues in many places or offered in a such a timely way (and that's a 
continuing shame of the so-called "progressive" media, particularly shows like 
Democracy Now that continue on with paid staff, professional editing equipment, and 
operating budgets). I don't find Dore's language tough to take, I find it interesting 
that he is slowly coming around to realizing that perhaps he was too easy on Rep. 
Tulsi Gabbard all along (he currently says he's "going scorched earth" on her because 
she's a member of a set of Democrats who are "feckless"), and that Sen. Bernie 
Sanders never ran to win (not in 2016 and not now).

Relatedly: BAR editor Margaret Kimberley's interview with Primo Nutmeg is also highly 
recommended -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCeVx_xEl7M -- and I'll have something 
to say about that in another post (as that deserves more coverage as well).

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