[Peace-discuss] Jimmy Dore's reeducation on the Democratic Party and what passes for "progressive" media

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Tue Apr 7 03:27:54 UTC 2020

I wrote:
> I know that some of you find Jimmy Dore's language hard to hear, but I encourage you 
> to consider looking up Sanders' Twitter feed (https://twitter.com/berniesanders) and 
> following along at least with some of what Dore has to say. You won't find coverage 
> of these issues in many places or offered in a such a timely way (and that's a 
> continuing shame of the so-called "progressive" media, particularly shows like 
> Democracy Now that continue on with paid staff, professional editing equipment, and 
> operating budgets). I don't find Dore's language tough to take, I find it interesting 
> that he is slowly coming around to realizing that perhaps he was too easy on Rep. 
> Tulsi Gabbard all along (he currently says he's "going scorched earth" on her because 
> she's a member of a set of Democrats who are "feckless"), and that Sen. Bernie 
> Sanders never ran to win (not in 2016 and not now).

I think some more realizations are coming around for Jimmy Dore:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHcyfyx0eEw -- titled "Trump shows Bernie how to win 
a presidential election" gets to what Bruce Dixon wrote about years ago in 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb3RqkP1TpQ -- titled "Progressive media starts 
criticizing AOC & Bernie" furthers this with more critical media viewing, this time 
watching The Hill's talk show "Rising" in which the hosts eventually undermine their 
own narrative.

The Hill recently ran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B9ZCKYlnts entitled "Krystal 
Ball: Bernie shouldn't drop out until establishment feels pain". Ball argues that 
there is no leverage awaiting Sanders if he drops out now. But Sanders will never 
bring pain to the establishment. That's a big problem with Bernie Sanders' campaigns.

The irony is that Sanders would later hand Krystal Ball the reasons why it doesn't 
matter if he bows out of the race. Consider the following quote from 

> Krystal Ball: [...] and every day that Bernie stays in the race over the
> increasing howls of protest and the media and the Democratic establishment that
> pain will start to build. Right now his presence is basically a simple annoyance
> for the establishment, but as the weeks roll by, and Biden continues to flail as
> Bernie is able to confidently offer broad reaching plans, makes what is by now a
> completely obvious case for Medicare for All, and is shockingly able to coherently
> articulate a plan without reading from notes, that annoyance is going to turn to
> angst, and then to terror.

Sanders recently announced a "Bold 6-Point Program For Tackling the Coronavirus 
Crisis"[1] in which he articulated the following:

> Let me be clear: I am not proposing that we pass Medicare for All in this moment.
> That fight continues into the future.

and Sanders released a video[2] in which he said "This is not Medicare for All, we 
can’t pass that right now." around 41m44s into the recording.

or https://archive.md/mdAKW

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uQV83U5Dk

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