[Peace-discuss] NYT: Bloomberg's Dystopia on Unconstitutional War

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Sun Feb 16 14:45:09 UTC 2020


This NYT article exposes the dystopia on offer if Bloomberg becomes POTUS.
In the world in which we ALREADY live, in which Bloomberg holds no elected
office, the Center for American Progress censored a report on anti-Muslim
bias in NYC policing in order to appease Bloomberg. In the world in which
we ALREADY live, in which Bloomberg holds no elected office, the leaders of
Emily's List took a dive on distancing themselves from Bloomberg after he
slammed #metoo, because the leaders of Emily's List believed they needed
Bloomberg's money. That's the world we live in NOW. Imagine if Bloomberg
were POTUS. POTUS Bloomberg comes and says, "OK, we're profiling Muslims
now, and if you don't like it, shut your mouth." And all the Dems shut
their mouths. ACLU complains, CCR complains, NLG complains, CAIR complains,
but it's teardrops in the rain. Dems are silent, because Bloomberg owns
them all. And now imagine the world on unconstitutional war. If the ACLU
objects to POTUS Bloomberg's policy of profiling Muslims, the ACLU can go
to court, and maybe they can get a judge to do something. The opponents of
unconstitutional war have no recourse to a court of law. No judge will take
our case if we don't have the Speaker of the House onside, and we will
never have the Speaker of the House onside in any future we can see. Our
only recourse is Congress, and the ability of a single Member of Congress
to call the question under the War Powers Resolution. And if Bloomberg is
POTUS, no Democrat will say boo, because Bloomberg will own all the
Democrats. Do you remember when Obama unconstitutionally bombed and
overthrew the government of Libya in 2011? No Democrat said boo except
Dennis Kucinich. And we don't have Dennis Kucinich anymore. Now replace
2011 Obama with 2021 Bloomberg. No Democrat will say boo, if Bloomberg is
POTUS, because Bloomberg will own all the Democrats.

Bloomberg’s Billions: How the Candidate Built an Empire of Influence
By Alexander Burns and Nicholas Kulish
Feb. 15, 2020
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