[Peace] aware meeting minutes 11/4

Mark Enslin enslin at prairienet.org
Mon Nov 5 01:15:54 CST 2001

A.W.A.R.E. meeting notes 11/4 6pm University YMCA

Raia Fink and Maria Silva facilitating
New puppet show by Susan Parenti "... when I can't remember the words I
just say 'flag' so instead of looking stupid I look patriotic..."
Calendar announcements:
Monday, Nov 5
     6pm, IMC: Mass mobilization/direct action working group
     7:30pm, Amnesty International meeting (on School of the Americas
protest), YMCA
Tuesday, Nov 6 
     7pm Human Rights Night at the IMC: Carol Spindel
Wednesday, Nov 7 
     noon, "Lives of Palestinian Refuges" Courtyard Cafe, Illini Union
     5pm "Reading Community: The Art Work of Suzanne Lacy"
        Room 62, Krannert Art Museum, 500 East Peabody Drive, C 
     6pm, AWARE care/ organizing meeting, Allen Hall
     7pm, Art and Revolution potluck and art making, 311 W. High, U
       Thursday, Nov 8 
     10pm meeting about School of the Americas protest, 1006 S. Garfield
        (at Carle park off Iowa Ave.)
Friday, Nov 9
     ?  panel including Evelyn Accad rm 210, Illini Union ? [I didn't get
        all info, & don't see it on uiuc site, Robert can you supply the
     8pm "Hip Hop Against the War", Peace Resource/Action Cooperative
        fundraiser, IDF
Nov 16, School of the Americas/WHISC protest, Fort Benning, GA
Nov 17, "Terrorism: What is an appropriate response" Clark Blois, Mildred
     Williamson, Carl Davidson, Sarah Stags, sponsored by Committees of
        Correspondence, DePaul University, Chicago
Dec 6, Kissinger protest, St. Louis; contact Laura Anderson

Carl Estabrook weekly news summary (see peace-discuss at lists.groogroo.com)
Working group reports

Concentrating on publicity for teach-in last week
will be planning a fundraiser for AWARE

Mass Mobilization/Direct Action:
no plans for mass mobilization, gathering ideas for "action zaps"
connect with church groups
build support for large actions later on

Speakers Bureau:
working on a letter soliciting invitations for speakers

Ladies and Laddies Against War:
Mon Tues Wed Fri at Race and Elm; Thurs at Prospect and I-74
One day they split in two, had a group at the library and a group near

Art and Revolution
made 7 house banners
Rob made copies of peace window sign
looking for free copying

Organizers group (AWARE care):
looking for facilitators for upcoming meetings

Mike Walcher has been working on front end; send suggestions. Join
discussion of at aware-tech at lists.groogroo.com

Street Theater
have taken a break, will continue

Afghanistan reading group: contact Meadow Jones; Thursday at 7pm at her

Jim B: visiting churches with idea of learning rather than telling
Robert D: contact moderate churches that have been involved in
humanitarian aid
Sharon C: would rather coordinate mass actions with other national and
international actions, and otherwise engage in small actions to build
slowly; suggests connecting danger of famine in Afghanistan to tradition
of Thanksgiving focus on the needy
Susan P: though sympathetic with slow building of support, also conscious
of clock ticking--the couple of weeks aid groups say needed to transport
aid into Afghanistan before winter; notes some groups elsewhere planning
on action for Nov 18
Carl E: emphasize stopping bombing so that aid can get through 
Jim B: what's the connection between achieving a large turnout for a mass
action and stopping the bombing?
Naomi Y: are we trying a mass mobilization?
Mark E: suggest action focusing on detentions and anti-terrorism laws
Robert D: mini teach-in with churches, and mobilization
Susan P: given urgency of hunger situation, stand at Schnucks with a
bucket, collect donations
Sharon: connect to president's send a dollar campaign--go to schools to
ask children to send a letter to pres asking to stop bombing. collect
medical supplies to send
Penny H: mainstream media will minimize the number of people showing for
an action; do actions that are visible without depending on show of
numbers. Thanksgiving day meal of what people eat in Afghanistan.
?; Send donations to Revolutionary Afghan Women's Association (RAWA)
Jim B: teach-in was good; well over 100 people attended; happened on short
notice; suggests editing video for broadcast and distribution to other
Susan P: try another teach-in in a few weeks
Jeff G: keep structure of this teach-in so that it would less work to
organize--same time and place, etc
Rosemarie: spread out teach-in over 2 days so that simultaneous sessions
would not be necessary
Naomi Y: reminds of idea to host dinner discussions with neighbors
Carl E: suggests a regular feature of Sunday meetings to have a letter to
reps for everyone to sign and send; Vicky A: offers that media group would
prepare these
Lois S: suggests full page ad in news gazette


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