[Peace] Hate Crimes and Harrassment Discussion before Urbana Council

Danielle Chynoweth chyn at onthejob.net
Wed Nov 7 11:20:41 CST 2001

----------- please forward as appropriate ----------

The the wake of community reports of harrassment and violence towards
Arab-Americans, people of color, and pacifists in town ...

Urbana City Council will be talking about local hate crimes and the
harrassment of pacifists this Monday, Nov. 12 at 7:30 PM in Urbana City
Council Chambers at 400 S. Vine St near Illinois St.

"A hate crime is a criminal offense committed against persons,
property or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by an
offender's bias against an individual's or a group's race,
religion, ethnic/national origin, gender, age, disability or sexual

It would be very useful to have people come and share their experiences,
opinions, and advice with council, whether the experiences come in the
wake of 9-11 or not.  The public input section of the meeting occurs
shortly after 7:30 PM.

If a person can not or does not wish to speak publically, they can e-mail
me and I will share their input (anonymously if they wish):
danielle at onthejob.net.


Danielle Chynoweth
Urbana City Council
Ward 4

More information:

The police have been asked to report on:

1. Is there an increase of hate crimes in our town since 9-11?  By what
amount (are there statistics)?  What has been the nature of these crimes?

2. There are numerous reports in the community of harrassment, death
threats, and destruction of property of people in town because of their
political and/or religious stance against the war.  Has the police
department been getting an influx of reports such as these?  How has the
police department responded?

3. Has the Urbana police department been in contact with the UI and
Champaign police department about a rise in hate crimes and strategies to
respond to this?

4. Are hate crimes distingusihed from other crimes in reporting?

5. How do the police respond to hate crimes?

6. What should the public do if they are victim or witness to a hate

Here are the goals of raising this issue as, I see it:

1. Raise public awareness about hate crimes and the harrassment of

2. Strengthen community resolve to oppose and report hate crimes.

3. Inform council if there is an increase in hate crimes so that council
can take action.

4. Alter police reporting systems if necessary so that hate crimes can be
tracked more easily.

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