[Peace] AWARE materials for churches

John Wason jwason at prairienet.org
Sat Oct 13 19:08:37 CDT 2001

At 05:18 PM 10/13/2001 -0500, Jim Buell wrote:

>The basic AWARE blurb on all these (except the buttons) reads as follows:
>>We are AWARE (Anti-War, Anti-Racism Effort)
>>· is a broad-based alliance working locally to promote non-violent 
>>alternatives to global catastrophe
>>· brings together secular and religious groups and individuals to advocate 
>>for peace and justice
>>· meets each Sunday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the University YMCA, Wright and 
>>Chalmers Sts., Champaign
>>· needs your energy and ideas!
>>Become AWARE
>>tel: 217-384-0299, email: aware at grex.org

"We are AWARE"....."Become AWARE".....clever and catchy.


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