[Peace] materials for churches

James Buell jbuell at prairienet.org
Sat Oct 20 10:25:15 CDT 2001

I'll be dropping AWARE materials off to Elaine Gehrmann of the Green
Street Unitarian church this afternoon, to pass along to ministers of
about 30 local churches.
These congregations are part of two local groups, the Ministerial Alliance
(mainly African-American) and the Ministerial Association (mostly white).
If anyone has multiple photocopies of materials already prepared that
they'd like to include in the 30 or so packets I'm preparing, please let
me know. I'd like to make up folders similar to what I prepared for a few
churches last week - some article reprints, some AWARE bookmarks on thick
paper, some AWARE buttons, some calendars of peace-related events.
All include contact info for AWARE and a mention of the Sunday
meetings. Other ideas are welcome.
If anyone would like to help me prepare these or make suggestions, you can
reach me via email or by phone - 337-5386 - today.


|In light of the Sept. 11 tragedy, I invite you to consider:
|Alternative perspectives - http://www.commondreams.org
|A local C/U initiative - http://www.cyberspace.com/~aware
|Peace will not come out of a clash of arms but of justice lived -Gandhi

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