[Peace] Visit from Israeli Refusenik

David Green davegreen48 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 11 09:51:01 CDT 2002

Dear Friends:

On Memorial Day weekend (May 25th and 26th), I will be
hosting an Israeli refusenik, a reservist in the
Israeli Defense Forces who refuses to serve in the
occupied territories.

I have touched base with Meredith Kruse about having
him talk at the IDF (what a coincidence!) on Saturday
evening. I am also hoping to have him speak at Sinai
Temple on Sunday late morning-early afternoon. I would
also hope to have him phone interviewed by David Inge
or Jack Brighton on WILL on Friday the 24th, although
he will still be in Chicago at that time. And he
should aldo be interviewed by the Octopus and
News-Gazette while he is here.

This is part of the Courage to Refuse Speakers Tour,
which you can find out more about from the Not In My
Name website (nimn.org). This also provides a link to
Yesh Gvul, from which is copied the following

Yesh Gvul ("There is a limit !") is an Israeli peace
group that has shouldered the task of supporting
soldiers who refuse assignments of a repressive or
aggressive nature. The brutal role of the Israel
Defence Force (IDF) in subjugating the Palestinian
population places numerous servicemen in a grave moral
and political dilemma, as they are required to enforce
policies they deem illegal and immoral. The army
hierarchy demands compliance, but many soldiers,
whether conscripts or reservists, find that they
cannot in good conscience obey the orders of their

There are two visitors mentioned on the Courage to
Refuse site, only one of which will be visiting
here--but I don't know which one yet. I'll probably
know by the time of the AWARE meeting on Sunday.

David Green

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