[Peace] South African filmmaker at Unit One/Allen Hall

Haber, Laura LHaber at admin.housing.uiuc.edu
Mon Feb 18 13:40:31 CST 2002

please forward:

Filmmaker Ben Cashdan will be screening and discussing two of his films,
"Apartheid Gold" and "Africa and Globalisation", Sunday, February 24, 8pm in
the Main Lounge of Allen Hall, 1005 W. Gregory, Urbana.

Ben Cashdan is an acclaimed documentary filmmaker who has made seven films
on globalisation and
local struggles for social justice in South Africa. His films have been
translated into more than six langauges and shown across the world.


"Ben Cashdan's films are essential watching for all those interested in the
contradictions of post-apartheid South Africa, and its position in the
system of 'global apartheid' which we are all fighting today"
Dennis Brutus, Poet and Professor of Africana Studies, Univerity of

"Ben's films inform and provoke, eschewing the fake claim to objectivity of
the corporate media in favor of open advocacy - the mark of a filmmaker
committed to the struggles 
he brings to life"
Patrick Bond, author of Elite Transition: From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in
South Africa.


"Apartheid Gold" shows how international banks supported the apartheid
regime, and even bailed it out during the financial crisis of the 1980s.
Shareholders of these banks continue to profit from their sanctions-busting
wealth today, whilst half of South Africans still live in poverty. This 20
minute history produced for Swiss TV includes rare footage of the Sharpville
Massacre and the Soweto Uprising.

"Africa and Globalisation" shows how the history of exploitation is
perpetuated by the economic reality of the New South Africa, dictated by
global market forces. Dubbed as 'guerrilla-cinema' it is a
deliberately-unfinished compilation of clips, constantly evolving and
presented interactively by the filmmaker. Including local struggles in the
townships of South Africa and material from the Durban Anti-Racism
Conference in September and the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland
this year, the film raises questions about the impact of globalisation on
ordinary South Africans. 

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