[Peace] Letter-writers needed

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Mon Feb 18 11:25:52 CST 2002

Can you write a letter to the editor?  Do you want to learn how to write one?

Each letter submitted to the News-Gazette is virtually guaranteed to be 
printed, if you follow their rules (<250 words, include a daytime phone 
number so they can verify that you wrote it, only one letter per 
month).  Each letter reaches 40,000 people and is therefore an important 
tool for communicating an anti-"War on Terrorism" message to our 
neighbors.  Since the same letter can be submitted to the Octopus and other 
newspapers in the region, we can potentially reach a very very large audience.

At recent AWARE meetings, we've decided to find at least two people per 
week to write letters.  If you'd like to be on the list of potential 
letter-writers, please send me a note, and I'll add you to the 
rotation.  More writers=less work for any individual.


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