[Peace] Israeli reservists

Karen Kohn karenkohn00 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 5 13:09:49 CST 2002

I have been looking around for ways to get in touch with the Israelis 
refusing to serve in the occupied territories.  I found this website 
http://www.seruv.org.il which is sponsored by a group called Courage to 
Refuse.  They have a copy of a statement made by 307 reservists, with names. 
  At http://www.seruv.org.il/leavemailEng.asp you can write a message to 
them and submit it.  Or we can send a letter to Gary Sussman at:

Manieh ve Yisreal 5
Apartment 10
Tel Aviv

He is connected with the Courage to Refuse group, so we could address a 
letter to the whole group but mail it to him, since the organization doesn't 
have an address.  I assume he could help us with inviting someone to speak, 
and I have his email address so later on we can look into that.
Another address we can write to is the Ministry of Defense at:

Kaplan St 37
Tel Aviv 61909  ISRAEL

If someone is interested in writing a letter to send from AWARE, that would 
be great.  I don't feel like I'm the most knowledgeable person in this area, 
so I'd rather if someone else wrote the letter, but I can try if no one else 
does it.

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