[Peace] Israeli Resisters Update

David Green davegreen48 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 12 09:23:27 CST 2002

Dear Friends:

A proliferation of organizations and activities makes
things a little confusing, but here goes:

Not In My Name (nimn.org), the Jewish-centered group
begun by Steven Feuerstein in Chicago that opposes the
occupation, has begun a campaign to specifically
support Israeli resisters: the Courage to Refuse
www.couragetorefuse.org). They are sponsoring two
separate tours of speakers in May, and I am in touch
with the tour planners about a possible visit to

Below is part of a message from Steven. More can be
found on the websites:

This update goes out to everyone taking part in the
Courage to Refuse Campaign. 
Seeking to get things off on the right foot with
Courage to Refuse, I hereby offer this summary and
"dump" of what has been happening of late with the
campaign. For those of you from outside Chicago, the
most relevant items are in the section on SPEAKERS
TOUR. Sorry about the length, but a lot has been

[From here on, I will refer to myself by name so that
this report can be sent out or incorporated in a C2R
e-newsletter update more easily.]


* The ad (Chicago Reader) was finalized today with
approximately 80 names, including three rabbis (Rabbi
Gary Gerson of Oak Park Temple signed on through the
website). It will be available throughout Chicago on
Thur/Fri. Kudos to Martha Reese for production
(especially in light of a weekend crash of her
computer) and Deb Wood for compiling names from all
the signups via email and the website). 

* Names keep flowing in, with many from outside
Chicago. We have a total of approximately $3000
pledged for the ads and campaign -- and that doesn't
include a number of larger contributions Steven
expects from supporters and initiators of the

* Information about the campaign is spreading through
email lists. Even more exciting, our campaign is now
listed on the seruv site:
http://www.seruv.org.il/defaulteng.asp as "Campaign of
American Jews Supporting Us".  A note from Peretz
Kidron of Yesh Gvul: "We're touched by your very
moving appeal, and we wish you success in your
efforts. This is the time for Jews everywhere - and
all who consider themselves friends of Israel - to
raise their voices in support of the Israeli

* Version 1 of the www.couragetorefuse.org website is
up and running, thanks largely to the efforts of Yoni
Reinberg in Madison and Roni Terkel in San Francisco
(with assistance from Joel Finkel -- of course!). 
Version 2 is currently under construction by a brand
new NIMN member, Aaron Lissman, and will feature
automatic loading of sign-ups into a database that can
be accessed by anyone with the right password,
allowing more of you/us to put this information to

* We have confirmed three refusers from Israel (Haggai
Matar, high school student, Ram Rahat of Yesh Gvul and
Ishai Sagi of Seruv (and their webmaster!)) for tours
in May.

Please pass this along to anyone not on this list who
you feel might be interested, especially Jews.

David Green

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