parenti susan rose sparenti at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Sun Mar 17 10:57:31 CST 2002

Hello, AWARE-ists! Due to Spring Break,we need to move the meeting to the
IMC tonight, as well as next Sunday's meeting.

The meeting will start at 6pm, and go to 8pm.

In addition to hearing the news of the world from Carl Estabrook, and
discussing it and our analysis of it and us, we will be working on the
upcoming Teach-in and on the Mutual Aid Pact.

Other ideas that have been proposed as beginning projects:

--inviting one of the Israeli reservists who has refused to fight, to come
to C-U, with perhaps a joint panel with ROTC

--starting a group in AWARE that works in Israel-Palestine issues

--standing outside the Post Office on the eve of TAX day(April 15) to hand
out info about how tax dollars are spent, and the humongousmongous
military budget this year

--making a forum in the library of Urbana and Champaign called "How to
Keep Our City and Country Safe".

--2 people sign up to write letters for local meeting, per week

and other ideas (but not to upstage the needed work on the Teach-in and
Mutual Aid Pact.

I need to go to Chicago today, so will not be at tonight's meeting.

(PS: nine of us from LLAW stood outside on Prospect yesterday from 12:30
to 1:30---lots of strong reactions now; the ones I counted were primarily
positive, with people rolliing down their windows to thank us for doing
this. I feel the atmosphere is changing, to a sense of criticism of the
"war on terrorism").

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