[Peace] Fwd:Re: My ideas, @ yr request--THANKS !

jencart jencart at mycidco.com
Sun Oct 20 14:00:30 CDT 2002

Okay, will forward on @ your suggestion.
Jenifer C.
Actually you should send this to the e-mail list. Mention that you can't always come to mtgs but want to still share ideas. Also -- to show that AR tape or part of it could be done at the opening of a mtg.
----- Original Message -----
From: "jencart" <jencart at mycidco.com>
To: <chason at shout.net>
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 1:05 PM
Subject: My ideas, @ yr request--THANKS !

> Hi Lisa,
> You asked me to e- you my ideas....  Thanks for offering to discuss them @ mtgs if you think them appropriate.
> 1.  I make every envelope a "postcard"--I write on EVERY bill, letter, card I send via the US mail--e g the stamp, Statue of Liberty goes upside down w/ an arrow and "Protect Our Civil Liberties." The return address label, an arrow and "Another Patriot for Peace."  Across the bottom, on the reverse side, whereever there's room, "My tax dollars are for jobs and the economy, schools and education, healthcare, social security, homeland security--NOT for war." Or-- "If the US gov't can negotiate w/ N Korea, which does have nuclear capability, why can't it negotiate w/ Iraq, which might develop nuclear capability?  Be very suspicious--Wake and smell the oi!", etc.... BTW, I got an SASE back and was myself turned off by the extreme amt of info and highlighting I'd done,  so I've toned it down quite a bit....  Sometimes less is more.
> 2.  AWARE artists could MAKE postcards, such as the one (available from Fellowship of Reconcilliation, Box 271, Nyack, NY  10960) which uses one whole side for the Margaret Mead quote, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has"  My suggestion for a message would be, "the US and its allies stopped Germany under Hitler.  Who or what will stop the US under Bush?"  Or, "Four Assholes and a Colin are running the country"  (I'm only half kidding....)
> 3. I wish the R in AWARE stood for "repression"
> 4. I sent $ to the Wellstone campaign.  I also called The Green Party of MN @ 612-871-4585, left a msg asking them to support  Paul Wellstone instead of siphoning off votes/allowing Bush-pick Norm Coleman to divide and conquor.....
> 5. I sent for/rec'd a terrifying/motivating AR tape and CD, "The New Crusade: America's War on Terrorism" (Rahul Mahajan) which I'll be glad to lend to AWARE for use @ a mtg, fund-raising event, or ?  It's really an incredible speech......
> 6..  I cut an article out of the N.G. which explains (@ least partially) why the NEA (that's Nat'l Ed. Assoc'n) always supports Timmy J.....he's pushing impvmts re tchrs pensions/social security bennies...... (Have you already jumped on that bandwagon, Carl?)
> 7. AWARE artists: I'd love posters, notecards, postcards, holiday and other greeting cards, and BUTTONS that say, "Peace is Patriotic"
> 8. Everyone should believe the piece in this week's Cityview by The
> Old Curmudge re the US march to world domination.
> 9. Thanks for all the work you guys are doing these days. It's GREAT.
> In solidarity,
> Jenifer C.

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