[Peace] Fwd:[ANSWER]: Oct. 26 -- 100's of Volunteers Needed

jencart jencart at mycidco.com
Sun Oct 20 13:05:24 CDT 2002


Several hundred volunteers are needed on Sat., October 26,  in Washington to make the National March to Stop the War  on Iraq run smoothly.

Can you help make this historic march a success by 

Volunteers are needed starting at 8 am and through the  morning at the gathering site at Constitution Gardens 
(Constitution and 21 Street NW). Tasks in the morning will  include greeting buses, setting up banners and tables, and  securing the stage and sound.

As soon as buses start rolling in around 10 am, hundreds  of volunteers will be needed throughout the day to get out  literature, staff tables, sign up people to stay active in 
the anti-war struggle, distribute signs, sell buttons and 
T-shirts, and guide the march, and collect donations.

If you can volunteer, go directly to the gathering site 
when you arrive in Washington on October 26 and look for  Volunteer banners and International ANSWER organizers.

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