[Peace] Text of UIUC student govt resolution

reichel reichel at students.uiuc.edu
Tue Feb 4 18:21:19 CST 2003

				Executive Order 03-08-07

Resolution Regarding Impacts of War with Iraq on the U of I Student Body

Whereas Illinois Student Government is the official voice of the student

Whereas the average age of people called into military service is 18-23
years old

Whereas ethnic minorities and the economically disadvantaged make up the
majority of men and women in the armed forces

Whereas the large increase in the current military budget of $334 billion
has already necessitated cuts in the higher education budget and has
drained resources from essential human services and social programs at

Whereas a war arainst Iraq would undermine the UniversityUs economic
development initiatives, likely necessitate larger tuition increases and
decrease access to need based fellowships and student assistance

Whereas building national security is best achieved through providing
equal opportunities for higher education regardless of economic status

Whereas the climate of free and vigorous debate necessary to the academic
mission is under attack and has already been chilled in many institutions
throughout the country

Whereas evidence of ties between the government of Iraq and al-Qaeda has
not been made public

Whereas evidence of an imminent threat to the United States from Iraq has
not been made public

Therefore let it be resolved that Illinois Student Government opposes a
preemptive military attack on Iraq, and calls on the Bush administration
to cooperate fully in a multilateral, long-term approach to solve the
problems in the Middle East under the auspices of the United Nations

Let it be further resolved that ISG strives to work with student groups
and lobby for diplomatic behavior in the international arena

Let it further be resolved that ISG encourages all members of the
University community to educate themselves on the history and issues
behind the conflict with Iraq

Let it further be resolved that ISG encourages all members of the
University community to educate themselves on the history and issues
behind and the causes of terrorism throughout the world

Let it further be resolved that this resolution be widely distributed,
especially to Senators Durbin and Fitzgerald, and Representative Johnson

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