[Peace] letter to representative

Marianne Brun manni at snafu.de
Wed Jan 22 12:27:27 CST 2003

I just sent a free fax to my Congressperson and thought you
might want to too.

The United Nations Inspections are working.  Foreign and domestic
opposition to a unilateral invasion of Iraq by the United States
is growing.  Even Tony Blair's administration is muttering about
a need to get approval from the House of Commons before sending
in British Troops.  Everybody seems to "get it" except for the
Bush Administration.

A letter addressed to President Bush is being circulated in
Congress.  It calls for The President to "make every attempt to
achieve Iraq's disarmament through diplomatic means and with the
full support of our allies, in accordance with the process articulated
in UN Security Council resolution 1441."

Shouldn't your Representative's name be on this sensible letter?
 Just click this link to send your free fax:


And please forward this email to everyone you know who might
be interested.

Here's the letter They'll send to your Representative with your
name on it:

Dear Representative:

I write as a constituent of yours concerned about our country's
rush to war in Iraq.  Recently Rep. Sherrod Brown and Rep. Ron
Kind sent you a "Dear Colleague" letter asking you to sign on
to a letter to the President urging him to "make every attempt
to achieve Iraq's disarmament through diplomatic means and with
the full support of our allies, in accordance with the process
articulated in UN Security Council resolution 1441."

I ask you to please add your name to that sensible letter.
The United Nations' Inspectors are doing an admirable job.  They
need our support.  A rush to a unilateral invasion of Iraq will
only lead to more instability and will further alienate the allies
we need most to ensure our security.

Thank you for your consideration of this issue.

(They'll add your name and address here)

And here is the letter to the President you are asking your
Representative to sign:

Dear President Bush:

On November 8, 2002, the United Nations Security Council unanimously
endorsed a resolution designed to force Iraq to give up any weapons
of mass destruction. We believe the U.S. should make every attempt
to achieve Iraq's disarmament through diplomatic means and with
the full support of our allies, in accordance with the process
articulated in UN Security Council resolution 1441.

The UN resolution calls for a tough new weapons inspection regime;
it requires the government of Iraq to provide inspectors with
immediate, unimpeded, unconditional, and unrestricted access,
and requires that Iraq permit inspectors to interview officials,
scientists, and other individuals as necessary to fulfill the
mandate of the resolution. This is an inherently difficult task,
requiring patience and perseverance.

The report scheduled to be given by Chief UN weapons inspector
Dr. Hans Blix and Director General Mohamed ElBaradei on January
27, 2003 will assess whether the United Nations Monitoring, Verification,
and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and International Atomic Energy
Agency's (IAEA) comprehensive mission is proceeding in the unobstructed
and effective manner necessary to realize the aims of UN Security
Council resolution 1441. We encourage your Administration to sufficiently
weigh future decisions regarding Iraq on the assessment given
by UNMOVIC/IAEA, including additional inspection time and resources
as appropriate. Your commitment to working through the UN Security
Council and your vocal support for resolution 1441 are critical
to UNMOVIC/IAEA's eventual success.

In addition, we respectfully urge you to use the opportunity
provided in the upcoming State of the Union Address to offer assurances
both to the American people and the international community that
the United States remains committed to the diplomatic approach
and comprehensive inspections process agreed to in UN Security
Council resolution 1441.

Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to your

Your message below was sent to:

Rep. Timothy   Johnson
1541 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC  20515

Dear Representative Johnson,

I write as a constituent of yours concerned about our country's
rush to war in Iraq.  Recently Rep. Sherrod Brown and Rep. Ron
Kind sent you a "Dear Colleague" letter asking you to sign on
to a letter to the President urging him to "make every attempt
to achieve Iraq's disarmament through diplomatic means and with
the full support of our allies, in accordance with the process
articulated in UN Security Council resolution 1441."

I ask you to please add your name to that sensible letter.
The United Nations' Inspectors are doing an admirable job.  They
need our support.  A rush to a unilateral invasion of Iraq will
only lead to more instability and will further alienate the allies
we need most to ensure our security.

Thank you for your consideration of this issue.


Marianne Brun
806 E. Washington
Urbana, IL 61801
manni at snafu.de

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