[Peace] there is no justice in guatemala

Jan & Durl Kruse durljan at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 15 16:32:50 CDT 2003

Peace list:message from Meridith:

Subject: there is no justice in 

hi parents,


it is a dark dark day here in guatemala,


Rios Montt, war criminal, responsible for genocide during

the worst years of repression in Guatemala, has successful

bought off the constitutional court to rule in his favor and

approve, in defiance of the guatemalan constitution, his

ability to run for president in the upcoming november elections,


my teachers this morning were so sad, angry, disillusioned,

they talked about fleeing guatemala, giving up hope...


they fear if Rios Montt can buy the court, he can now buy the 


this is horrific, it is feared that if he becomes president he

will continue with his plan...my teacher this morning said

his plan is the elimination of the indigenous populations

here in guatemala...the military never left power, they have

been operating in the shadows, but soon they may just

be in the forefront, openly in power again...


the guatemalan constitutional court was one of the last courts

people thought to be immune from corruption...but the members

have been paid off, article 186 of the constitution is clear,

anyone who took power by military coup and ruled as

a military dictator cannot run for president...but they

law does not matter in guatemala, there is no justice here...


much love, please forward this message to the peace list

and others who will read and help get the word out about

this horrific news,


when Rios Montt was in power in the 80s, the US, under Regan,

continued military aid...funding mass genocide in guatemala.

Today  we must do what we can to keep him from power 


in peace,









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