[Peace] AWARE minutes 9/1/03

Gabriel Stanton ggstanto at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 1 22:13:05 CDT 2003

Facilitator:  Randall
Timekeeper: Lisa
Finance: Linda

MEETING: Every  Sunday IMC 5-7


A. News of the Week- Carl (available archived at AWARE's website 

B. Greetings from PRC (Progressive Resource Action Cooperative a program of 
the Illinois Disciples     Foundation)- Brooke

Campus Group has two main goals at this juncture.

1. Organize against racist mascot of Illinois Chief Illiniwek
2. Oppose the War in Iraq

Two flyers were made available detailing two PRC events that everyone is 
welcome to attend

-On Thursday, Sept 10th from 12 noon-1 there will be an informational 
session on the quad about the current U.S. occupation on Iraq. The PRC will 
also be distributing literature on a variety of issues

-On Sunday, Sept 14 from 1-4 PM there will be a potluck activist BBQ(bring 
your own vegetarian food to grill or sidedishes)

C. Labor against war-Ricky

AFL-CIO opposed going to war with Iraq given the lack of evidence

History of U.S. labor movement's opposition against the war
-CIO and Knights of Labor against rule of Capital
-Typically the labor movement in the U.S. has been more conservative than in 
other countries but still is leaning toward opposing the exploitation of 
workers and increasing job security(people can't be fired because of sexual 
orientation, personality etc.)

U.S. Labor Against the War (www.uslaboragainstwar.org)
-working to support newly formed union in Iraq- Union of Unemployed in 
Iraq(UUI) (flyer detailing its formation and describing peaceful 
-National Labor Assembly for Peace Oct 24-25 in Chicago approximately 1/4 of 
local unions expected to assemble. Check website for updates.
-working on getting unions to behind campaign to  support UUI and speak out 
against the ongoing occupation in Iraq and Opposing neo-liberal agenda.

D. Farmers Market-Linda

-Good Crowd. Much peace merchandise was sold. Linda will order more buttons 
and bumperstickers.
-Question about what political literature to distribute. Kucinich! Dean too? 
New table needed for pamphlets

E. Finances-Linda
-AWARE has 2,618.82 and no large outstanding debts


-Occupation is not Liberation- Gabe
Protest on corner of Prospect  and Marketview the first Saturday of the 
month starting next Saturday (Sept 6th)

Signmaking Party on Friday at  my house 7:30 PM 4109 E. Oaks Rd (off North 
Cunnigham past Farm and Fleet) Just Bring Yourself!

-Linda-invited a representative from Howard Dean's campaign to speak at next 

-Karis- announced  WILL  TV will have all 9 democratic candidates speaking 
this Thursday, Sept 4 at 7PM

-Letters to the editor-Please Write local papers!

-Randall- Format of PSAs under question. Calls to action now accepted. 
Military Recruitment spot accepted!?

-WEFT Fest Saturday September 6th

Al-Krannert Art Museum exhibit -Visualizing the Blues images of the African 
American South starting this Friday

Chancellor's Office will show 4 films against racism to commemorate 50th 
anniversary of Brown vs. Board of education

Karis- Champaign County HRC meeting September 8th at the Urbana City 
Building. Televised on Cable channel 5

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