[Peace] Minutes for July 18

David Green davegreen48 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 18 20:55:05 CDT 2004

Minutes for July 16th

Facilitator: Mort Brussel
Recorder: David Green
Attending: About 11


News: Carl Estabrook: U.S. has achieved aims in Iraq,
as Thomas Friedman said in 1991, a regime like
Saddam’s without Saddam; Allawi reported to have
executed 6 prisoners days before taking office; Senate
foregoes debate about torture to debate about gay
marriage; Democratic platform completely opposed to
what AWARE stands for; October Surprise developments
vis a vis Iran, China, and Peru/Venezuela; incredible
amount of interest in Farenheit 9/11, which is still
at Art Theater for one more week.

WILL and UPTV update, Randall Cotton: Nothing new on
WILL commentaries, does not look good, but will wait
for results of Kim Kranich meeting with Jay Pearce
this week; the UPTV board was ready to approve
Democracy Now! Showing, but pressure by Mayor Todd
Satterthwaite prevented this from happening. He has
(legally) removed potential supporters from UPTV
board. On September 13, which is a Monday, at noon,
there will be an important meeting to decide the fate
of this issue. Attendance is strongly encouraged.

Lawyer/police, Al Kagan and Susan Davis:  They will be
meeting this week with Mr. Finch, Lt. Gallo, legal
dept. of city, etc.

Farmers Market: We will try to have a table and
markers for people to make their own posters with
great stencils that Nicky has left with us. We have a
nice new big white tent—come and see it! Al will be
ordering more deception dollars. We will have more
copies of War Times. Susan mentioned the “propaganda
remix” website for possible artwork that we might want
to purchase. Check it out and tell us what you think.

Past events:  Still resting on 4th of July parade

Future events:  Electoral politics debate regarding
“anyone but Bush” vs. “opposition to lesser evilism”
tentatively scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 12, 3 p.m.,
before AWARE meeting. Anyone who is interested in
participating is encouraged to read articles on
Zmag.org website under “U.S.” by Hirsch, Harrison,

Carl Estabrook will be hosting the 6 to 7 hour on WEFT
for the next few weeks, beginning tomorrow (July
18th), when he will discuss “Chomsky and Friends.”
Next week will be “the religious left.”

Gabe Stanton would like to remind everyone of the
Hiroshima Day observance, Friday August 6th, at Green
and Wright (alma mater), planned by the Friends

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