[Peace] Grace Lee Boggs in-residence at Unit One

Haber, Laura LHaber at admin.housing.uiuc.edu
Thu Nov 4 14:41:18 CST 2004

please forward:

Grace Lee Boggs will be a Guest-in-Residence at Unit One/Allen Hall,
Sunday, November 7 - Thursday, November 11. She will be speaking each night
of her residency. Her Opening Program "Living For Change" will take place
Sunday, November 7 at 7:30pm. All events are open to the public and take
place in the South Rec Room of Allen Hall, 1005 W. Gregory, Urbana. Parking
is available in the garage across the street. See below for a complete
schedule of her residency.

About Grace Lee Boggs:
Grace Lee Boggs is an activist, writer and speaker whose over sixty years of
political involvement encompass the major U.S. social movements of this
century: Labor, Civil Rights, Black Power, Asian American, Women's and
Environmental Justice. In 1992, she co-founded Detroit Summer, a
multicultural, intergenerational youth program to rebuild, redefine and
respirit Detroit from the ground up. Currently she is active in Detroit
Summer and with the Freedom Schoolers, writes for the weekly Michigan
Citizen, and does a monthly commentary on WORT (Madison, Wisconsin). Her
autobiography, Living for Change, is widely used in university classes on
social movements and autobiography writing. A plaque in her honor is
displayed at the National Women's Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls, New York.

Sunday, November 7 
		7:30pm - Living for Change 
		Grace Boggs will review her 89-year journey, from her birth
to Chinese immigrant parents in 1915 to involvement in the Black Power,
Women's, Asian American, Environmental Justice, Education for Democracy, and
Anti-War Movements. Today all these issues have become interconnected. Last
week's election results have made it more urgent than ever that we tie them
together with a vision that people can begin working toward. How do we
become solution-oriented visionaries?  Connect issues? Rebuild, redefine,
and re-spirit our cities from the ground up? Practice transformation? Grow
our souls? 

Monday, November 8 
		7:30 pm - From Black Power to Beyond Black & White
		Grace was the coordinator of the all-black Michigan Freedom
Now Party in 1964 and one of the main organizers of the 1963 Grassroots
Leadership Conference where Malcolm made his famous speech less than two
weeks before the assassination of JFK. In this session we will discuss the
development of the Black Power movement in the 1960s, the new challenges
arising in the 1970s from de-industrialization and the devastation of our
cities and communities and current issues.  

Tuesday, November 9 
		7:30pm - The Future of Education
		How are we going to redefine education so that 30-50% of
inner city children do not drop out of school, thus ensuring that large
numbers will end up in prison?  Is it enough to call for  "Education, not
Incarceration"?  Or do we need a paradigm shift in our concept of schooling?
Should education be mainly for jobs? How do we educate for democracy, not
passivity? What would a democratic classroom look like? 

Wednesday, November 10
		7:30pm - Women and the Building of a New World
		When women began meeting in small groups forty years ago,
laughing and crying over stories of growing up female in a male-dominated
society, we/they had no idea that we were starting a movement that would not
only struggle for women's rights but also challenge the Western concept of
pursuing the development of the productive forces at the expense of the
Earth, indigenous peoples and women. 
Thursday, November 11 
		7:30pm - "Another World is Possible"
		From the armed uprising of the Zapatistas in Mexico to the
shutdown of the WTO meetings in the "Battle of Seattle" to the formulation
of new visions at the World Social Forums in Brazil and India, movements for
social justice have gone global in opposition to corporate globalization.
What is at stake? What are they fighting for? What world are we creating and
how will we get there? 

Laura Haber
Program Coordinator of Unit One
University of Illinois
68 Allen Hall (MC 050)
1005 W. Gregory
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 244-2317
lhaber at admin.housing.uiuc.edu

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