[Peace] AWARE Agenda

carol inskeep carolinskeep at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 7 10:51:51 CST 2005

Durl Kruse will facilitate this week's meeting.  Here's a tentative agenda which does not include the request last week for a discussion on where our anti-war work stands.  (I'll let Durl decide where that might work best.)
Introductions (5 minutes)
News of the Week (10 minutes) - Carl
Reports:  (30 minutes)
- Finances (Linda)
- Listserve (Randall)
- Media Working Group (Mort)
- P4P (Ricky)
- CU Citizens for Peace and Justice:  County Jail Petition (Sandra), Forgiveness Weekend (Aaron), Cartoon/Billboard issues (follow-up by Adrienne)
- Tabling (Durl and Jan)
- AWARE Care (Carol I)
New Ideas (10 minutes)
- Showing of "Deadline" (Rachel)
- "Eyes Wide Open" exhibit (Carol I)
- UPFJ Conference (Randall)
Events of the Past Week (5 minutes)

Upcoming Events (5 minutes)

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