[Peace] AWARE minutes 1/16/05

carol inskeep carolinskeep at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 21 10:20:03 CST 2005

Danielle Schumacher <pirkolater at gmail.com> wrote:
Hope no one spent even ONE DAMN DIME on Inauguration Day!

FYI: the January 30th meeting is cancelled! There are at least two
other things going on during the meeting, including a showing of
Deadline at Boardman's Theater.

At the beginning of the AWARE meeting on Sunday, Bob Illyes passed out
a survey about the history and successes of AWARE. If you are
interested in taking part in the survey, please email Bob at
illyes at uiuc.edu.

After Introductions and News of the Week, CU Citizens for Peace and
Justice reported. They meet every Monday morning at 9am (call
344-1811 and ask for Carol or Aaron to attend). There is also a CU
Citizens meeting this Saturday, January 22 from 1:30 to 3pm at
Douglass Library at 5th and Grove in Champaign. Forgiveness Weekend
is quickly approaching, for more information see:
CU Citizens is also hard at work to reform conditions at the County
Jail. For more information, see stories by Sandra Ahten at
www.ucimc.org. To join the CU Citizens list, email
lifestratinst19 at sbcglobal.net.

Various people reported on the recent AWARE Care meeting, which was
held to evaluate and improve meetings. Suggestions include a monthly
meeting that is devoted to a social justice issue such as racism,
classism, sexism, anti-war tactics, etc. The AWARE Care people will
meet again and propose changes. If you are interested in having input
and hearing more about this, email Carol Inskeep at
carolinskeep at yahoo.com.

Jen Walling asked AWARE to consider sponsoring bus ads for the forum
hosted by the Coalition for Citizen Police Review.

Carl and several others will be meeting to plan a forum about the
direction of anti-war work in the C-U area and beyond. More details
to come.

There were several announcements about upcoming events, so please
watch the Peace list for announcements.

The meeting ended with a discussion about AWARE's role in Forgiveness
Weekend and anti-racism work in general. Since there has been such a
struggle to deal with this issue, members discussed devoting an entire
meeting or event to further discussion about this.

I apologize for the brief minutes, and please post
additions/corrections to the list!

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