[Peace] Hiroshima Day planning meeting

Charlotte Green chgreen48 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 7 08:40:43 CDT 2005

August 6, 2005 will mark the 60th anniversary of the
atomic bombing of Hiroshima and August 9th the bombing
of Nagasaki.  A meeting to plan community events in
observance of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings will
be held on Sunday, June 12 at 3 PM at the U-C Friends
Meetinghouse, 1904 E. Main, Urbana.  The hope is that
representatives from many of our faith-based
organizations and members of the community will be
involved in planning the Hiroshima Day events. 

At the meeting, we will talk about our goals for the
events.  In addition to recognizing the devastation
caused by the bombings, do we want to draw attention
to present day issues, such as nuclear proliferation,
proposals for an anti-missile defense system and new
nuclear weapons, nuclear bomb testing, possible
development of new nuclear weapons, etc?   We will
also begin to plan what specific activities we want to
include.  Some ideas are having speakers, a vigil,
floating lanterns (luminaria) with prayers for peace,
reading story of Sadako to children and making paper
cranes.  Please bring your ideas and your energy to
the meeting.

For more information, contact Charlotte Green,
chgreen48 at yahoo.com. 

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