[Peace] Revised Oct 8th Minutes

David Harley harleyrd at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 22 15:44:16 CDT 2006

The first order of business was Karl’s summary of the weeks news.  The 
Foley is a diversion from the serious facing the nation.  The Dow–Jones 
Average reached a new high this week, but this is an illusion when 
inflation is factored in.  Carl concluded with a lengthy discussion of how 
the situation in Afghanistan is degenerating into a major crises.

Old business: There was a discussion of what to do if the administration 
moves to attack Iran.  Such a move was described as madness, but a distinct 
possibility given the probable result of the coming election.  It was 
decided to give the matter further considereation.

Financial Report: The treasurer’s report was read, $75.00 were recived at 
the Farmer’s Market.  We still have 55 impeachment signs.  It was decided 
to put up any left over signs at the poling places.  It was also suggested 
that members who have signs put these up at poling place on election 
day.  It was pointed out that at some sites election signs will not be 

The Unity March was well attended with an estimated 250 marchers.  There 
was also a good show at the News Gazette on what turned out to be a busy 
day.  At One Main there seemed to be normal traffic even with the football 
game.  About 200 flyers were distributed at the events.

There was discussion of plans for the Karen Yarborough events, which have 
now been cancelled.

Randy met with Imani Bazzell with 5 members of AWARE's Anti-Racism Working 
Group to explore ways in which the ARWG could contribute to the cause of 
fighting racism/discrimination. We discussed many things, but one thing 
Imani said that struck me was that as mainly white middle-class folks, we 
know best how our parents and grandparents think. We know best how to craft 
a message that would reach our siblings or cousins. Another point of 
discussion was Imani's work with equity in the schools (and the consent 
decree), which leads to Ricky's
announcement below

Ricky Baldwin reported that community activist Imani Bazell will hold a 
small teach-in on the subject of Champaign Schools' "consent decree" for 
local activists.  Please get in touch with ricky if you are interested.
A meeting is planed to discuss SMART Act - Public hearing is approaching on 
October 27th, sponsored by C-U Citizens for Peace and Justice (details in 
calendar above). SMART Act state legislation will establish infrastructure 
that encourages Illinois counties to put in place programs that integrate 
education, treatment and mental health screening instead of felony 
convictions and prison for low-level non-violent drug offenders. The SMART 
Act is based on the successful "drug school" model being used in Cook 
County, where the recidivism for those completing the school is only 11% 
vs. the state-wide overall average of 55% (recidivism is the rate - 
typically over a 3 year period - at which criminal offenders return to 
prison for a new criminal offense).
Jan and Durl met with the Urbana High School administrators.  There was 
some apprehension on the part of the administrators.  There seems to be 
some question on the meaning of access, but we will be able to supply flyers.

Thanks Randy

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