[Peace] National Impeachment Day

Karen Medina kmedina at uiuc.edu
Mon Jul 23 12:25:44 CDT 2007

As Jan K. mentioned yesterday, today is National Impeachment Day 

Call Congressman John Conyers at 202-225-5126 or send a fax http://www.peaceandjustice.it/j23-impeach.php 

[below are snipits of stuff about activities and choice of the date, why John Conyers is the person to call, etc ] 

July 23, 2007 marks the 5th anniversary of the Downing Street Memo, the minutes of a meeting at Number 10 Downing Street where the head of British intelligence reported that Bush and Cheney were intent on invading Iraq and were going to "fix the intelligence and facts around the policy." 

To mark this anniversary, Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, David Swanson, Col. Ann Wright, Rev. Yearwood, Dave Lindorff, Medea Benjamin and others will lead a march from Arlington National Cemetery in Washington to the office of Rep. John Conyers, chair of the Judiciary Committee, calling for the impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney. They will read from the Constitution and risk arrest with acts of civil disobedience. Similar actions will take place at district offices in California, Indiana and Michigan as well as demonstrations in Florida, Maryland, Washington, Illinois, Wisconsin, N. Carolina and S. Carolina. 

On Monday, July 23, you'll be able to send a fax -- with just one click from US Citizens for Peace and Justice (Rome, Italy) web site -- to the office of Rep. John Conyers calling for impeachment of Bush and Cheney. 

John Conyers has a great quote in John Nichols' book "The Genius of Impeachment": "I have a choice. I can either stand by and lead my constituents to believe I do not care that the president apparently no longer believes he is bound by any law or code of decency. Or I can act." 

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