[Peace] Call Johnson on food aid reform - vote this week

Robert Naiman naiman.uiuc at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 13:22:10 CDT 2007

This very modest reform has a decent chance of passing, I think. The
reports have been that there is no organized opposition (at least, not
yet.) Johnson has not stated a position, as far as I know.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Just Foreign Policy <patrick at justforeignpolicy.org>
Date: Jul 25, 2007 11:40 AM
Subject: Can You Call? Vote on Food Aid Reform This Week
To: naiman.uiuc at gmail.com

 Dear Supporter of a Better Food Aid Program,

Thanks for contacting your Representative in the past on behalf of
food aid reform. Our efforts have paid off: An amendment to allow some
food aid to be purchased locally will be presented to the full House
of Representatives this week by Rep. Earl Blumenauer. Let's get a
majority to vote for it.

The amendment would create a new pilot program, providing up to $100
million for local and regional purchase. This could be a crucial step
toward winning permanent reform that would save more lives.

Can you call your Representative and ask him or her to support this
important amendment for food aid reform? Call the operator at
202-224-3121 and ask for your Representative's office by name. (You
can find the name of your representative here.) Some talking points
are below.

Tips for Calling
Calling Congress is not as intimidating as many think before they do
it. A staff member will answer and take down your message. Here are
some ideas of what to say:
 "I urge Rep. ______ to support Rep. Blumenauer's food aid amendment
to the Farm Bill when it comes up for a vote this week." (Blumenauer
is pronounced "Bloom-a-NOW-er.")
 Tell them the amendment would create a pilot program to test reforms
in the food aid program that could ultimately make that program much
more efficient.
 Permitting local or regional purchase would speed delivery of food
aid, be as much as 50 percent cheaper, and support developing country
markets and farmers.
 Both the Chairman and the Ranking Member of the House subcommittee on
Africa support the amendment, as do organizations such as Oxfam.
 If you want more background on the issue, see our information page.

You could also ask whether your Representative plans to support the
amendment. If they answer, let us know what they said by replying to
this email.

Thanks for all you do for a just foreign policy,

Patrick McElwee, Chelsea Mozen, Mike Haack, and Robert Naiman
Just Foreign Policy

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