[Peace] bus ride to the anti-war demonstration in DC September 15

Karen Medina kmedina at uiuc.edu
Mon Sep 10 09:54:35 CDT 2007

There is a nation-wide anti-war demonstration in Washington DC on September 15th (this Saturday) in response to the report on the troop surge in Iraq. There is a bus from Iowa that will be passing through Urbana-Champaign on their way to DC. So if anyone is interested you can get on the bus here.  Here are the people to contact.

Tim Gauger (319-936-2307/timothy-gauger at uiowa.edu) and 
Susan Junis (319-541-1684/susan_junis at caucus4priorities.org)

>From what I understand, the bus will leave on Friday and return on Sunday, driving through the night.

We can help round up some sponsors to help with the cost if needed ($100 is the stated cost for the bus ride). Contact Karen Medina, kmedina at uiuc.edu if you need financial help for part, or if you are interested in sponsoring someone to go.

Join Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, Camp Casey Peace Institute, the ANSWER Coalition, Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, National Council of Arab-Americans, Grassroots America, Hip Hop Caucus, and thousands of others in Washington DC on September 15 for a huge antiwar protest timed to coincide with the report by General Petraeus on the "Surge" in Iraq.

Gather at 12 noon at the White House

For more information on the march, see http://answer.pephost.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ANS_homepage

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