[Peace] Short addendum: minutes of weekly AWARE meeting 2009-05-10

Randall Cotton recotton at earthlink.net
Fri May 15 22:51:28 CDT 2009

One thing I forgot to mention is that a small working group was formed to
help with ordering materials for sale at Farmer's Market. So that should
have been a **NEW** item in the Farmer's Market section (reproduced
below). Thanks to Carol M. for pointing this out.


Farmer's Market
(AWARE's weekly seasonal presence at the Urbana "Market at the Square" AKA
"Farmer's Market")

**NEW** Second Farmers Market of the season had light attendance. Many
vendors are not set up yet for the season.

AWARE's space is much nearer the entrance this year, right next to
the City of Urbana tent.

**NEW** Wayne has volunteered to store Farmer's Market materials at his
lab. Unclear whether the materials would be readily accessible (Wayne not

**NEW** volunteers may be needed to staff the table next Saturday.

**NEW** growing concern that items for sale need to be being replenished.
It's unclear whether Janet W. will be doing that this year.

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